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Everything posted by Megaton

  1. Well i'm visiting this thread almost every day but couldn't find anything new and i didn't wanted to share just some random instagram photos or something(and duplicates, come on guys, just use search option i hate when i see new post with photos and it turns out i already saw this photo like few days before). It's about few months now without some good stuff with Nastya Sometimes i like to see her in clothes (:D) but in my opinion every fashion store she's modeling has very ugly clothes. I don't know who's buying these shi.ts
  2. This photo was taken from jackstengeldahl on 500px. He has few photos with Nastya but i think he didn't took them. Maybe they're edited from other photographers because i'm almost sure i saw them somewhere else. Maybe someone could check it for sure i can't now. Source: designpictures
  3. Yay after few months finally something Thanks @carpenter_gt But on his page i saw this callendar and it's only one photo with her(in callendar). Photographer: Alexey Sulima Source: VK, Insta Res: 1280/1080
  4. So u already had these new pics with "coca" and others? What else do you hiding?! I want all of it But seriously, this photoshoot with coca cola is very nice.
  5. Ok, some present findings, but incomplete(i mean - i hope they are incomplete and someone will find something more :>) 1. Instagram: dmitrygrechin A "bts" photo and short insta video it's all i found. 14434646_1136970843018275_4717154072866586624_n.mp4 2. Instagram: dubroale (Aleksey Dubrovskiy) Uploaded yesteryday. 3. Instagram: Anna B. (anna_b_photo) I had one of the coca-cola photos, i don't know where i took it maybe here, the rest(no coca) are look like we already got from other photographers. 4. No source, but lately photoshoot. 5. And a photo from her instagram "by" @levefimov_official but can't find anything on his insta.
  6. @neurovibe, nice, a lot of new photos Thanks. I'm still searching for videos from nuart, i really want them. Found only torrent with videos but only until 2015 and she was in 16' and 17' ;(, also a video on "popular site". I don't know, maybe some kind of private tracker? I'm really not good at it, so i don't know. Some screen caps but it's very bad quality.
  7. Thanks @neurovibe, this time less of findings but it's understable, maybe i'll try third time with post this kind soon maybe it would be last one because i almost have everything categorized. Just checked his profile and found these 2 photos. There's no tatoos but when i'm looking at these pictures i couldn't say it's not her... What do you think?
  8. Photographer: ksugovoruhina Source: Instagram Res: 1080x1350 Unfortunately only instagram quality. Cant find her on 500px or vk to search for more or better quality.
  9. This time in color! Second photo dup but for searching in future i'll put these together. Photographer: Evgeny Dyuzhakin Source: VK Res: 1600x2000
  10. @Charlie's Alter Ego, what the hell happend to her face I'm not downloading the video because i wont understand anything anyway but from preview she looks very strange. And it looks like it's not only makeup but like some kind of plastic surgery Ofc i know she wouldnt do that! @neurovibe, right i even have this photo in V.L. folder, like i said, sometimes it's just hard to find, i already have almost 300 photographers(only with 3 photographs or more with her, the rest is in "others"). Thanks anyway Also i think i have somewhere photographer of photos from number 7 but don't have time right now to search them, but i'm sure i saw them somewhere lately. New ones, photographer taken from her new photo on instagram. Only two for now but come on, i hope there will be more soon. Photographer: Evgeny Dyuzhakin Source: VK Res: 1600x2000
  11. Ok, it's time for "identify post" last time @neurovibe you helped a lot so i hope this time you and maybe others also will find something good. Like before, maybe i even have these photos assigned somewhere but i can't find them right now. WARNING: DUPLICATES 1. It's most probably Andrey Shumakoff because he has almost same photo in his "portfolio", also without mark. But never appeared here under his name, maybe it's not even dup and i took it somewhere else. 2. I think it's only 2 photos by this photographer, reason? I had them in "others" folder where i'm putting only photos by photographers unrecognized or when he(photographer) has only 1-2-3 photos with nastya and it's not enough for folder. But these pics looks nice so i'll try here, maybe there's something more. And yea, they looks like George Ch. style, maybe even he has something in common. 3. 4. 5. At least few photographers and maybe more than one place and time with this dress... So it's hard to recognize. 6. Same dress, neck and others, but diffrent background and diffrent cloth on third pic. 7. 8. 9. 9. Most probably it's only one photo "behind the scenes", but she looks very pretty here, maybe someone know something
  12. New photo on instagram. I wont up it here because we already have this set somewhere in the thread so we don't need instagram quality dup, but i've tried to translate(by gtranslate) and it's something about that she's not modeling right now anywhere(bcs she's blocked? whatever that mean), she's on vacations or something and she hopes that she will be more creative after that. Well it's gtranslate but it's always some information about her work and this dry we have now. Maybe some day we'll get something fresh
  13. I'm using an programme right now which is for download "things". It's called jDownloader and it has something like "file finder", when you're copying link to a video or photo(or anything else), it would find it and allow to download it.
  14. Yeaaa, about that... New one <i will use your marks, i'm lazy right now but without date> Ph.: Sacha Leyendecker • Source: his 500px • Res'.: 1500px
  15. Welcome in our world. Unfortunetly mostly sad life when waiting for something new with her Well i'm still thinking about these videos from nuart which would be something new ;x anyway, yea, she's. These videos by stasyq are best and i would like to see more but probably she's not gonna appear again on this page
  16. Still not enough ;x These new pics by Musaev... Just... insane. I just love 3rd one (and similiar photos after) from second post, this sensual climate(dark), "something to see"(nastya) and 5760 px! Very good job @neurovibe I wonder how we missed these until now. And it's still (i hope) so much to find.
  17. And did you tried already most obvious ways like mail or message on vk? She has e-mail(on instagram) to contact her or with her agency, but it's always something. But probably you're going to need something more than wish, portfolio or something i don't know how it's working but not everyone can "shoot" her (i don't know why do u wanna kill her <ba dum tsss>).
  18. Thank you! I mean that I thought about that too and i was "scared" that she's not doing nude shoots anymore Well still i'm but now i know that i'm not the only one who's thinking about it It's most probably that it's new photos because he(sacha) wasnt uploading anything with her since these days and photos before were made with Maxim Guselnikov and he hasnt photos like these uploaded now by sacha(i mean clothes, hair, place).
  19. @neurovibe amazing! Thanks! Wonder if it's taken this year when she was in germany lately and maybe there will be something more. But found an information about "photo events" in may 2018 on Sacha Leyendecker instagram. Well, 7 months
  20. Ofc its not her Just look at the bellybutton. Nastya has no piercing. I know some photos where we can get wrong, for example there's a girl on photos by ura pechen which has almost the same tatoo on shoulder like Nastya and it's seeducing
  21. I don't think it's a lot for subscription for few videos. I mean, the callendar cost is 150$ but take a note that it's most probably a paper version. They're sending it to you and you can hang it on the wall. It's still a f... big price for callendar but it's exclusive... i think... for them and buyers Anyway, videos are made as a making off or something, again, probably. It would be strange that every video on this page cost 20$... I'm glad that you're trying, because you're best on IT things here so you're probably only one who can do something but i really doubt it's possible to find these videos for free
  22. Ye ye... all i can think about is these videos right now I've tried to find some new photos on the known photographers pages but nothing, so here i'm. Waiting for some opportunity But even if we could (together for example) pay end get a subscription account, and these videos would be great, we're still don't know if it's possible to download them. #scheglovateamproblems
  23. Screen caps from promotion video: It's all black&white but on the page probably there's something in color. I wanna more!! Nudity
  24. Wow, that's big! I'll check all of this and we'll see, maybe i have something more and i didn't know. Anyway, thanks @neurovibe I don't have time right now, just a few minutes so i can't response with bigger post, but i just found something and i can't leave just like that without saying anything I've checked nuart page and her part of this page, and look at the videos! All of these are paid content and like i said i don't even have time to see how much they cost but thumbnails looks amazing! I feel like they're just clickbait Found a minute to check and it's subscription 20$ it's a lot for a one person ;/ And i don't even have paypal($ it's not my nationality value) but i really want to see these videos ;( any idea?:D maybe i could even try to open a paypal account but still it's a lot for few videos with questionable content(maybe she appears in few seconds of video and maybe all of it). Edit again: at the "shop" you can see some photos from these callendars.
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