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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. Gimme a call sometime tomorrow so we can catch up. Chris is home for a couple of more days then he's leaving for a month or two :(

  2. God dammit Baron! I sooo blame you. I have zero safe haven anymore.... Just when I think we can't get anymore jibbers.... we do!!

  3. God I hope he gets the medical equipment he's seeking. /B/tards are behind him 100% I love that he's so positive despite everything he's been through, and continues to go through on a daily basis. To not be able to see much, taste or smell... wow! Such a strong kid.

  4. Good afternoon Miss Red!

  5. Happy 4th of July babe. I know a little late, but I've been piss ass drunk all day. >.< Typing let alone coming up with a cognitive thought wasn't going to happen.

  6. Happy belated B-Day!

  7. Happy Birthday Dahlin! Here's to a 100 more :)

  8. Happy Birthday hun! *hugs* ... btw can't buy Dead Island. Too much rage involved with that game. I saw my friend complete the game last night and I was beyond annoyed with how it ended.

  9. Happy Birthday hunny!!

  10. Happy early B-day. Love you

  11. Happy Hoilday's! Hope you have a safe and wonderful x-mas and new years

  12. Happy Hoilday's! Hope you have a safe and wonderful x-mas and new years

  13. Happy New Years babe! Have a great 2011 :)

  14. Happy New Years hun!. God what's it been 6 years or so we've known each other?

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