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Posts posted by Amber

  1. Have enjoyed all the posts that is great about the fundraiser. I am tired of everyone going on about his use of private jets he travels constantly he's extremely famous and you have to be careful of all the crazy people out there. He never said that people can't do things he just says we need to find clean ways to travel and live business and governments need to step up and quit being so greedy

  2. Jade, I'm already sick of hearing about this.  I haven't even heard if Leo is interested in this project, but the real issue here is about race I don't know what it's like in other countries but it's been a problem here in the USA since the pilgrims showed up hundreds of years ago.  I hope someday people realize there is only 1 race on this planet and that is the human race.  Unfortunately there is a lot of ugliness aimed at the Islamic people here, as far as this biopic I think it's about getting an actor that is bankable and I don't know of anyone who is more so then Leo right now I'm sure there is a middle eastern actor out there who would be great if given a chance but this is about money and the producers want a big name draw I don't believe that they are concerned about stereotypes it seems to come down to money most of the time. The person who said that they have no problem finding middle eastern actors to play the terrorists are right because they are not the stars of the movie they are not playing the protagonist I just don't think that casting a middle eastern actor in the lead would be profitable especially in a country that is so anti Muslim I hate to say that because they are good people they are not all terrorists a term I am so sick of ,but we have a man running for president that is against the Muslim people and he is very popular unfortunately.  Sorry for rambling on just my opinion.

  3. I think this jet issue is getting ridiculous and I'm disappointed that so many environmentalists are giving him a hard time.  He doesn't have to do all that he does he is not getting rich off this and it's not just climate change he speaks of it's also the animals and ecosystems that he's involved with people are so judgmental. His speeches are targeted to get politicians and governments to deal with these issues because they are the ones with the power unfortunately we have people running for president that say climate change is a hoax and people that are endorsed by big oil past US presidents have been Texas oilman. It's the governments that have the power to change things and that is what Leonardo is saying so keep up the good work Leo

  4. Everyone has made good points he needs to reevaluate the unnecessary travel sometimes it is just to party.  He seems like a good man and he does so much good and some people will always complain but he does need to think about being a better example it can be difficult for us to give up things we love to do but sometimes you must if your fighting for a cause that is important to you, which I have no doubt is important to him. Hopefully he will learn from this .

  5. Wow he walks all over the place in New York. My cousin works for Conde Naste in New York city I wish he would see Leo that would be awesome he has spoke to Usher in passing and he was on an elevator with Richard Branson but I don't know how much he pays attention to people he didn't recognize Usher someone had to tell him who it was. Thanks for all the updates.

  6. Hi I just wanted to say I love reading these posts I love Leonardo I have since Titanic . I'm in my twenties I work with autistic children whom I adore. I live in the US I would love to some day travel to Europe.  I am also a Barbie doll collector and doll artist.  About Leonardo and Chelsea I don't know if it's true but if it is I hope no-one judges him to harshly.  She is an adult and I understood if she likes an older man because that is what I prefer and they probably just want to have a good time people make to much of age as long as they are both consenting adults that's all that matters.  I also love Jonathan rhys Meyers I would love to have Jonathan and Leonardo work together.

  7. 32 minutes ago, osa castillo said:

    Any of you Now just want to put Leo under a box? how we could defend him? my heart is bleeding literally, I hope he lets die the news and do not rush, bad press with silence Leo.

    32 minutes ago, osa castillo said:

    Any of you Now just want to put Leo under a box? how we could defend him? my heart is bleeding literally, I hope he lets die the news and do not rush, bad press with silence Leo.



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