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Lord Cool

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  1. How about this artwork of an attractive female face? It's the same morphological traits over and over again that comprise an attractive face, they being (at least for female faces anyway): 1. A thin/narrow mandible 2. A broad maxilla with reduced maxillary height 3. Full Lips (related to estrogen:androgen ratio) 4. Small Nose 5. Hypertelorism 6. Large Eyes 7. Mild Prominace of the Eyes (related to eye socket depth) 8. Upward slanting palpebral fissures 9. Recessed supraorbital ridges. 10. Reduced distance from the exocanthion to the tragion (many people miss this and another reason why wide-set eyes tend to be more attractive) 11. Prominent Cheekbones 12. Broad and tall frontal bone.
  2. Another Hanro print featuring Laetitia Herrera:
  3. I know Laetitia Herrera did some modelling for Hanro. But not sure if this is her:
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