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  1. ^ I had to do a double take and rewind a couple of times just to make sure if it's him. Then I watched the movie three more times just to see him for two seconds. <3 Anyways, Boyd was at JD Ferguson's (backstage fashion photographer) party over the weekend and he posted a picture of him. Source: http://jdvision.blogspot.com/2009/06/party.html
  2. Sorry I don't have any... I heard he didn't get any speaking parts or much screen time at all... <_< But, I'll look around... So I tried to find pictures of Boyd online.... I came across this one but I'm not sure if it's him. I watched the movie twice and I thought I saw glimpses of him every now and then. But yes, he definitely does not have any speaking parts.
  3. Just wondering, but does anyone have pictures of Boyd in Milk? Thanks!
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