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Everything posted by planeswalker

  1. Maybe it is around that value. Several interviews have her at 1,72m but having either 1+ or -1 is probably up to posture during the measurement. Every time i renew my ID my height always different, although i haven't been growing (up) for more than a decade And although i reckon it's a low height for a model, my favorite of several years ago (Laetitia Casta) was even a bit lower. It's the size that matters. It's what you do with it
  2. It's already available here: http://sic.sapo.pt/Programas/altadefinicao/videos/2015-12-12-Alta-Definicao-com-Sara-Sampaio Regarding the translation, i've got some experience from doing small translation jobs with short videos (ING -> PT though), and the synch part is hell! If someone steps up i'd be willing to help a bit.
  3. If anyone wants to see Sara's TV interview live which starts in a few minutes, this is a good link: http://www.tvtuga.com/sic/
  4. The cover of a magazine included in a Portuguese daily newspaper from yesterday. Unfortunately i've only found about it, so i don't know what's inside, their website doesn't have any more info. The cover loosely translates to: "The shy girl which seduces the world" "In school people called her nerd and the boys barely looked at her. Vidas (the magazine) searched for the origins of the Oporto girl."
  5. Having been from a few years back until now a "silent" but proud fan from Sara's home town in Portugal who's been visiting this thread without the need to register, after this 7up thing today i just had to be able to write something. That snapchat answer pic is one of the most epic stuff i've seen lately. I just love the way she tackles and confronts people who diss her. A true "mulher do Norte", as we say here Epic.
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