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Everything posted by JoshWeb

  1. ^ My thoughts exactly And to JoshWeb, you haven't been around long enough to get the full context with in that sentence you're wrong babe! I know exactly what it means ;)
  2. It won't happen dear fortune teller. It only happens to fake relationships- if you know what I mean;)
  3. Worst than any video is the childish behavior of some people hating on Behati and Adam....
  4. ISIS is killing innocent people in cold blood in Middle East and people here think some scenes of this video are disgusting? It's fiction. ISIS is real life.
  5. There are many ways of bullying Mr. Lmao.
  6. Celine Nano uses snakes bred in captivity for her business! Don't judge without correct info!!
  7. She took his husband's name but I think she will keep Prinsloo professionally.
  8. I'm not criticizing anyone. I just said if you aren't a fan you have nothing to do here. There's lot in other places for sure.
  9. I think this kind of forum is made for fans. If you aren't a fan there is no reason to be here.
  10. Yes. How do you know? Yes, Bee smokes. I wouldn't necessarily call her a chain smoker but I don't think any of us can answer that question correctly because I don't think any of us hangs out with her on a regular basis. We can deduce a couple of things, though. She's been photographed smoking, so yes, we do know that she smokes. She's photographed pretty often by paparazzi and I don't think I've ever seen a paparazzi photo of her with a cigarette in her hand. If she were a "chain-smoker" (the definition of that is someone who literally lights one cigarette right after they finish the last one) I think we'd see a LOT more pictures of her with a cigarette in her hand. My guess, she probably is a light smoker...unfortunately a lot of models are. She probably socially smokes when out with her friends drinking, and we've seen photos of her sharing a cigarette with Adam which supports the social smoker theory. Her skin is pretty flawless, she's 25 not 17 and keep in mind that a lot of photos we see of her are retouched so sometimes people get used to seeing a model look a certain way and then see the actual picture of her and what are normal smile lines, and age marks look worse than what they are. She has a beautiful face, with youthful, healthy skin. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get their eyes checked. CONGRATULATIONS! Very well said!!
  11. her face used to be so fresh and youthful. and here...i dont think i have to say how she looks here. YES, you can! She never looked so good! Btw I know your speech and where it comes from. Stop it because our eyes can see very well!!
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