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Everything posted by Marjo92blabla

  1. Wooooow look what i've found on Twitter ... The person said it was posted on Instagram but couldn't find it ... Amazing ... <3
  2. To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting so much nominations for wolf according to Academy's review that I read on the internet. But I'm SOOOO HAPPPY I FEEL THAT'S THE GOOD YEAR FOR LEOOO :DDDDDDDD
  3. I love the moment when he said "And they rejected me.." Blank... "Ohhh" LOOL ! Or when they show the pic of him when he was young and then the public does "Ohhh" and Leo turns to see the pic hahaha.
  4. Wow this interview on Ellen was so great. He really is an amaaaazing guy ! I also found that video of him and Marty talking yesterday and Emma Thompson's impressions on the film. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19dl55_leonardo-dicaprio-on-his-unbelievable-acting-career_lifestyle
  5. OMGGG he is so handsome and smiles a lot, speaks so well... *Dying* I love that he's always moving his hands haha ! He looks soo happy I'd love to see him more on talk shows like that !!! And only 2 videooos? There's not the full interview anywhere? I wanted to see him arrive and say hi to all the fans and Ellen !!
  6. Like Barilace, I finally saw Wolf today. It was sooooo good ! Leo was incredible, really. And he doesn't need any Oscar to prove it. Like, wooo... Yeah the scene with Lemmons (I won't tell more) is sooo fucking awesome !! One of the best scenes in movies I've ever seen. The acting was so good !!! I would watch this scene again and again and never get bored ! It's Leo's best performance, without any hesitation!! And I don't know but I wasn't shocked at all by the sex scenes ??? Maybe I expected worse haha. I don't understand why some people are complaining about them, ok the sex is always there but the sex scenes are funny and don't last long !! And its not like they had never seen any naked women in their life... Whatever ... The scene with Dujardin was funny too, well to admit many scenes were really funny ) But I didn't understand everything^^. If I have an only critic to do on this film is the beginning, where there were a few lengths for me. But maybe it's because I didnt understand all?? Anyway, I will see it again in two weeks. It sooo good !
  7. Sorry hadn't been there for a while.. All those good comments on Wolf and Leo I'm so happy and proud of him. Glad to see that some of you have seen the film and loved it ! (With an average rating of 8.9/10 on Imdb I saw, almost the best film of all time !) Unfortunately, I'm on holiday, at my grandparents' house in Paris, but they don't want me to see Wolf... (Don't worry I'll see it when I'll be back home, at least I hope I could, cause I'm supposed to work and not get out...)Anyway I haven't even told them about the film, they started to talk about it. Because they were searching for a film that we could see together, but first, I didn't want to see it ! with them ! and two, I knew that they wouldn't like it ... Well, they were shocked about the story.. They told me "Don't go to see that, it's only drugs, sex... It's almost pornographic!.It's a shame, how can they allow that?!." They talked to me like that during 15 minutes at least, I'm not even joking ... To tell me not to see this movie. I was like "Gosh, if they knew... I don't give a damn about what they can tell me.." Pfffiou grandparents are so boring some time ... But I didn't say anything ... I'll see it anyway ... However, that made me wonder, is it really "almost porno"? I really think they were exaggerating and I don't know where they could have read that but .. ? Anyone who has seen the movie can tell me more about that please ? Btw, I also found that new clip of Wolf for those who haven't seen it yet: Also I've almost forgot, I read in tumblr on a post blogged by someone, that Leo will never receive an Oscar. A member of the Academy or somebody like that, who hadn't even seen the movie, told that to the guy and added "especially this year". Do you have any other informations about that story ? Do you really think he will never receive one ?? Because he deserves it, SO MUCH, even more than the others... If he has the talent, I don't understand WHY can't he have an Oscar ??! Even if the Academy wouldn't Ike the movie, they can reward the actor for his performance ... I know that you're not obligated to have an Oscar to be recognized as a good actor, like Leo but.. It's unfair, why people like Jenifer Lawrence (Don't get me wrong, I really like her) already had an Oscar, although her perf in Silver Lining's Playbook was good, but didn't deserve an Oscar for me. Or other people like Nicolas Cage?? And Leo still hasn't one ?? Sorry but it's not normal ... (Ps: Wow sorry for my big post Well done to those who took the time to read it entirely ^^)
  8. I found that, pretty funny http://portable.tv/film/post/13-reasons-why-the-academy-wont-give-leonardo-dicaprio-an-oscar/
  9. Thanks Cassandra for all the pics and Calibi for the clip ! GOSH THAT CLIP ! DAMN ! HE IS SOOOO HOT ! I JUST CAAAAN'T ! :shock: <3
  10. Another really good review 5 stars ! Most of the reviews I see are all extremely positive, but I keep looking at them bc i love seeing congratulations on Leo ! http://www.totalfilm.com/reviews/cinema/the-wolf-of-wall-street
  11. OMG thanks Nanda for the pic he looks so good ! :wub2: :brows:
  12. Sorry i didn't really understand what they were saying when they were laughing in the video . Could someone translate or write in english what they said, here please? That'd be very nice (and btw, thanks for aaaaall the news !!!)
  13. Jonah talking about leo eating sushi hahaha http://video.us.msn.com/watch/video/jonah-on-wolf-fight-scenes-and-making-leo-puke/17ux609fr?cpkey=7e8f3308-2cf6-4e02-a78f-a928870ead54%257c%257c%257c%257c
  14. I can't see that video in my country http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIT8079jGKU&feature=youtube_gdata&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=290685 Is there another link available ?
  15. OMG 92% with an average rating of 8.2 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_wolf_of_wall_street_2013/
  16. Wolf soundtrack playslist, soooooo good !!!!!!!! I love every one of the music !!! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-wolf-of-wall-street/id777857569 Absolutely love this one : And it matches so well with the movie !!!
  17. Woooooooooooow new clip of Wolf, soooooooooooo funny can't waaaaaaaaaait : D http://www.hulu.com/watch/572933?playlist_id=1031&asset_scope=all (But what, for one second Leo's sitting and the next one he is standing?? Haha I think what some people wrote was right, it seems that there are a few scenes not really well adjusted each other! (Idk if it's a correct english, so sorry, hope you'll understand what i mean!))
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