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Everything posted by Nathalie

  1. Princess darlig... the whole rumor started about that gossipsite assuming theyre holding hands, when in fact theyre not! I was just pointing that out. But how can you really conclude they are dating out of just her daylight presence? They were a group of people/friends! AND NO.. Leo is not intimate with her in one single photo, and no they are just giving each other the bottle and that has not been discussed or said anywhere in a forum or site as I can read. She runs after it! Then later on you can tell she is with another friend, because it is not Leo who takes a photo of her on the stairs !! its her friend. So they got no proof of this "dating"! At all! He wouldnt walk beside the guys the rest of the day if he was to "show" her to the public! They look at pictures they took on the phone cam. They seem to be tourists, and AS we know Leo has been seeing a lot more girls than the russian model the last month, not just Toni! How could Toni let another model come first to Leos Yacht, parties, and him partying without her in Cannes with many many strangers? It just dont sum up. They never saw each other much in NY either, and last time was Sydney. Once! He skipped his Sydney-premiere this year ! Plus: I know you want them together sooner than soon, but you can not say OF COURSE just because YOU want it ? Let THEM show you, first. Leo is at the French Open with Lukas, Toni sitting with HER friends. Prove me any different, please Holy Analysis Batman I think many of us noticed that they were not holding hands just reaching or passing the water bottle. So I think that this was not necessary. Although neither does it mean that they are not dating. Of course they are dating. No way Leo would show off like this in public ( Like this as at daylight ) with a model without being dating.
  2. Sorry to spoil (disappoint any).. I too think she is sweet, but.. too sweet for Leo i guess. As she seems to be just a friend. They were never holding hands at all. The pictures were angled this way by the paparazzi-photographer to make it look like it and sell a story. I studied this closely with microscope lol. And dont forget Leo has 3 certain exes, not more.. and those exes all were models, he made lots of model-friends during his life with them, he cant quit seeing all just because breaking up with exes. that she is german is probably their reason to be friends, too. She turned down the rumor in a newspaper, too.... btw
  3. AGAIN. WRONG. I am a "gossip-detective" and will bring you the real news. Look verrry closely at the photos ... and spot the bottle I repeat my message everybody seemed to ignore in the other leo-forum So.. um.. HI Hello, I am new. I just entered to tell you a spoiler about the rumored photos of a new gf that is false he was holding her hand. I got proof and just saying to calm all the tabloidfrenzy down. If you first look at this photo: Spot the bottle in Leos hand. You clearly see Toni running behind looing at the bottle. Let me mildly assume she felt hot and wanted some drink, forgot her bottle inside and Leo brought it with (gentle as he is). then take a look at his pic: Here, we clearly see that her face looks at the bottle, but also her hand holds around the bottle where the bottom of it shines in the picture just behind Leos back, and it is round and white unlike the stone wall behind them. third look at this where you see her hand all fingers out as if to grip something that is definately not a hand, him turning right giving her the bottle. fourth look at this they walk in two different directions not holding, she is bending. fifth and rest of pictures Leo is without the bottle ! Mystery?? Not! False rumor. Haha, I love being a detective in forums!
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