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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Pip is the unspoken way of Chilax.......
  2. the AMD Athlon 3400 works fine for my desktop but my pentium 4 2.6 ghz works fine on my laptop
  3. Bahamut

    I Am...

    liking Limax alot
  4. PIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow it feels good to pip........other forums prohibit this..........pipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi
  5. Limax is good too...it isn't too far off from Chilax ey? Hmmm.........Xposed??? Xpos
  6. Hey Guys!! It's so great to know we have Limax as a backup for the Chilax forums disappearing. THIS IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA, CONGRATS!!! It's such a shame & even though i didn't have too many posts, i guess not many of you know about me. Well i had the same name @ Chilax & thanks to my many great friends esp. AzKid, CaptSnow & Carsten among many others, I enjoyed my stay If we all migrate here, this forum might just be as big as Chilax was. Infact, I can hardly tell the difference other than all the posts missing lol, but other than that it is just like a replica, well done! Ok I'm gonna stop my babbling now Once again, thanks for starting these forums!
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