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Everything posted by shannonf

  1. I think Irina has an outrageously great body. As long as she's been in SI, I still never tire of seeing her! Versatile, too, for a model with such a sexy look. Big fan here.
  2. LOL - me three! I suppose I could begin posting in the model threads, etc. Not spamming, more in a genuine attempt to become a more active member, but yes, not gonna lie, also to get 50 posts so that I can read what interests me!
  3. I am a long time lurker but would like to add my thanks for the photos and videos! Wow @ Anne V, Alyssa, Nina, Jessica G., Emily.... and even the athletes this year! I really like Kate, but I think overall I prefer her shoot last year (not the cover though); I just think she looked better last year. She is still beautiful. As much as it pains me to say this, I feel disappointed with Chrissy this year; I have a soft spot for her since I found her and became interested in SI via her food blog. She is a beautiful and exotic looking girl, yet in SI she manages to look boring and homely. She definitely has a few good pics, but I feel like her shoot last year was actually better than this one. NOT bashing her or saying it's her fault necessarily... I like her... I just don't get it. Doesn't seem she has a lot of fans around here anyhow....
  4. I think it's definitely Chrissy.... she's been gone from Twitter for a day (long time for her)... + she has those shoes
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