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Everything posted by leofan974

  1. okay thanks everyone! you guys are all so sweet. I will try to figure it out on Monday if it still hasn't been changed. the current one has like a person in the background lol. (and ill also see ifff I can change the IMDB one too!) byebye <3 <3 <3
  2. yes I made a Wikipedia account and everything and it turns out you can still upload if you don't have an account or if you arre registered and don't have 10 edits (it's now 10 edits lol (like what 10 things am i going to edit!!!!)). this is the link to upload http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Files_for_upload/Wizard but I got to the licensing part and didn't get it... so I hope someone more savvy could plllease upload a photo!!! <3
  3. hi everyone! I'm trying to change the profile photo of leo's Wikipedia page, but I've never done it before so I'm having trouble. Could someone please change it!?!? please?!! the Wikipedia photo is also the first photo that shows up when you type his name into google so I was trying to put a really good one like this http://www.worldtempus.com/fileadmin/user_upload/images/brands_pics/TAG_Heuer/img_TAG_DiCaprio.jpg but whatever is good, I just want a really nice one to show when you google him
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