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Everything posted by Strawberries

  1. Thanks Francis, I believe the article is not confirmed. Some are speculating that it was planted by his EX for some reason. Get Erin in trouble? People know that Erin doesn't plant Leo stories. She respects his dignity. LOL...looks like not everyone does though. That's unfortunate. Meanwhile, Leo wants to double the number of the world's tigers! That would be one hell of an achievement.
  2. HI Katchitup, no, silly, you didn't offend me . I agree. Erin could have been there, but the paps were interested in Leo and his boyz.Hi OX, I agree with your statement that Leo looked 20 in those pictures of Gatsby. I was actually really shocked. Wanted interview notes to see what he uses or what he did! Wonder if I can afford it. Too much sun. <_<
  3. Hi Katchitup, I saw the similar pictures at: http://gossipcenter.com/leonardo-dicaprio/leonardo-dicaprio-goes-shirtless-malibu-erin-heatherton-709413 He's getting some sun and looking healthy! That's awesome to see. One thing concerned me about the pictures. He does not seem to be showing any love to Erin on purpose??? when paps are around. If this is just to protect his privacy, that's cool. If it is to disrespect Erin, that's not very nice. At least in public, he should make more of an effort. Otherwise it could be interpreted as self centred and disrespectful of a beautiful girl who has been so kind to him in the press. One long and consistent turn deserves another of the same kindness, jmo...
  4. i hope we get details as to why the release date has been changed Apparently WB wants it to reach the largest audience possible and think it would be better for a summer release, or something along those lines anyway. Sad news! Gah, I was really looking forward to having 2 Leo movie releases later this year... but hopefully it'll be worth the wait. Oooh I might just have to buy that and see what it's like And thanks girls for all the newest updates and sightings. Where are the paps when we need them?! Love your Avatar! So fresh and beautiful. There is some talk that Leo is getting married in 2013. If it's in the summer, than could impact the bottom line with the promo tour if he's willing to talk about his personal life. For the right money and awards, he just might. We'll see???
  5. Sorry By_Princess. I quoted your wrong post! My reply was for post #24058 on page 1203. Sorry, again. Just a newbie on this thing. #24058 by_princess
  6. I just read this. It's just awful. Would anyone ever write someting like this? TZIPI LEVINE REFAELI “Bar is still the most beautiful girl in the world Israeli putrefaction doesn’t get any better than this, except for Esti Ginzburg. But who’s paying attention? They will not get married they will not have kids, I can’t deal with its all the fault of that NAPPY HEAD IN CONEY ISLAND.LEO IS GAY HE HAS SEX WITH MARTIN SCORCESE FOR MONEY HE ONLY SCREWS REAL SUPERMODELS THAT ARE MUCH BETTER LOOKING THAN BAR FOR A COVER, – lasYOU ARE ALL JEALOUS AND JUST A BUNCH OF HATERS!” I would not want to make her mad. With all this Warren Beatty stuff and the picture of herself younger, has made her a celebrity!
  7. Probably relevant. Kinda shady: Germany: Bar Refaeli's show exploiting contestants? Yet-to-air reality TV show reportedly imposes unfair terms, exorbitant fines on aspiring models Ynet Published: 07.06.12, 14:07 / Israel Culture A new German reality television show that is hosted by Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli made headlines this week after word got out that contestants are made to sign contracts that are unfair and extremely restrictive. "Million Dollar Model," which began filming last month, aims to discover Europe's next top fashion-strutting talent. "The contestants are shackled," German newspaper Bild reported on Monday, listing measly wages and exorbitant fines among the harsh terms imposed on aspiring models who sign up to take part in the show. For one thing, the young women must clear their schedules for three months of shooting without being properly compensated; they are promised a €200 allowance per episode – up to €1,000 for those who don't get eliminated along the way. During that period, they must cut all private communication with the outside world, which means Facebook and cell phones are out of bounds. If a contestant wishes to place a call, she must make it in front of the camera after clearing it with the production crew. Another clause in the contract requires the contestants to fulfill any task that is thought up by the producers. The participants must allow the crew to film their every move, as is standard with reality TV, but at the same time they must stick to a script. If a contestant violates any of the terms, she is to be fined €10,000. Furthermore, if she is caught leaking details about the show, she is to be fined the whopping sum of €50,000. According to the report, the show lures in the contestants with the promise of a large prize "but instead of glamour, they face debt." And the final prize might not amount to the million dollars that the show's title suggests. Last month, the contestants were flown to Israel to film the first episode of the show in Timna Park. In one of the tasks, they were suspended from a crane set on the backdrop Solomon's Pillars.
  8. Post Edited: The issue was addressed weeks ago, please make sure to check back 5 or pages to see if something's already been posted. Thanks ~ Pretty
  9. In reply to Katchitup: Thanks for the pic of Erin and Leo! Hi there Everyone. Hope you're all doing well! - quick drop in: I love seeing these two together! Erin has a SICK body, and a beautiful face. Though I didn't like that photoshopped picture of her lately. They took away her freckles and skin tone - made her look old! She is much more beautiful natural. I sure hope Leo includes Erin in his annual summer vacation to Europe! Yachts, Venice, Ibiza. Lots of gorgeous pictures of Erin in her SWIM and Leo with shirt off? yay?! Bar isn't still "stalking" him is she? Someone mentioned on another board that she is trying hard. Hope this post is ok - response button wasn't working well... rolling blackouts.
  10. Thanks for the Erin support, everyone! I think this one is ok too? It's a cute article on Erin, ERIN Heatherton’s boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio must be dying to take her on a summer holiday when she looks this good in a bikini.The link is here at The Sun: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/4394035/Leos-lady-Erin-Heatherton-is-a-beach-babe.html Really nice pictures. They make such an adorable couple. Bet he's met his match in basketball? Maybe not...LOL
  11. Noticed some tweets going around. Hope this one is ok. It's so sweet! Apparently (Erin's twitter), Leo's gf is going to be God Mother to her baby Dixie. Erin gave the baby some of Jen Maguire's jewelry: Lily Aldridge‏@LilyAldridge I just got my @JenMeyerMaguire "D" necklace!!!! Its so beautiful I love it!!! I'm so proud to wear it! Thank you @ErinHeatherton!
  12. Well.. better Dujardin than Clooney or Pitt I heard that many people say The Artist is the first movie that Harvey has campaigned and actually deserved the Oscar :morning: I don't know because the only thing I liked was the dog Hee hee hee....I totally agree, was afraid to say it! I loved that dog! Well, to be fair, it was also kind of a concept film with the addition of the "volume". I thought that was really clever. Kind of reminded me of the "out of box" thinking Tarantino had with Pulp. But, eeaouch! if Clooney won or Brad - for "acting as himself" in a movie. Someone said that Brad being there was for viewership?
  13. LOL - Gotcha. Don't get me wrong. I appreciated the love story, love Kate Winslett, but the 2nd Act to the climax (ship actually sinks) it was a tenuous, torn apart in my screenwriting classes. But the effort and ship was EPIC. Btw, i was at the gym the other day and saw a bit of Kate as Ophelia! I couldn't believe it. I thought I saw ALL her movies. Gotta rent that one. Lastly, Good News about the Weinstein quote. His support is apparently crucial? Looking forward to it.
  14. "... I'm...not a "fan," by the way. I appreciate his work and his activism, but Titanic drove me up the bloody wall, though I can watch it without wincing and even with a little pleasure...." LOL - I can appreciate this part. I am almost annoyed that it was Titanic that drove LDC's career, because who the hell inserts a gun chase scene while the ship is sinking? It was some superfluous stuff to pace the story to the final capsize. Ugh. Now, the Departed, Blood Diamond, R+J, and Lies.... that's a Big Cat.
  15. Did you guys see the article in Star Mag about Leo and his gf? lol...I REALLY doubt if her people wrote this. I think Star is in a bit of a hurry; don't cha think, Star?? I suspect they might want to get to know eachother a little better. But he's on the right path! Love them. He's dated a string of beauties but it sounds like Leonardo DiCaprio may fianlly be ready to settle down! The serial dater is apprently head over heels in love with Victoria Secret's model Erin Heatheron. They may have only been dating for a matter of months but sources claim the actor is already referring to gorgeous Erin as "his future wife". Star magazine claims Leo has fallen for Erin's magic combination of brains, beauty and her love of sports. With the couple spotted enjoying a couple's bike ride in New York a couple of weeks ago it looks like Erin has succeeded where (many) others have failed and found a way to the actor's heart. A source reveals to Star: "Up until now, Leo's ladies have been prissy, girly types," "But when he met Erin he realised he had found not only a beautiful woman but a talented athlete as well. Leo has been a real holdout when it comes to getting married. But with a girl like Erin, who has beauty, brains and can shoot hoops? he may finally have found his future wife." Sporty Erin almost made it as a pro basketball player before turning to modelling and Leo is a big fan of her athletic abilities: "Leo is a huge basketball fan. He has a full court at his home in LA and is a Lakers season ticket holder. Whenever he and Erin are together they are always doing something physical like hiking in nearby canyons, riding their mountain bikes or playing ball together" Put a ring on it Leo, Erin sounds like the ideal girl!
  16. omg...Rob Reiner. This would be my good-news film fix for the week. I love him. This Project is sounding better and better. I think I'm looking forward to it more than Gatsby now...no I'm not...dunno. Too much film excitement. (yeah, I love movies too much) Baz tells a good story too...
  17. Don't know if you saw this yet on LDC's girlfriend, but it looks like his philothropic love is catching on. Erin is quite articulate too. I have to admit, I read the whole thing through, it's quite interesting. Gives you some insight into the person, and she wrote it herself. I'm impressed. Great choice, Leo! From the Chicago Sun Times: Up until I turned 16, I was just your average teenager living in Skokie. My life changed instantly when I was discovered by a model scout while on a campus tour of the University of Miami. One day I was playing on a high school basketball team and dreaming of going to college and becoming a doctor, and the next day I started a very different kind of education. Traveling the world as a model and Victoria’s Secret Angel has taught me a lot about myself and about the power of my choices. I’ve learned that no amount of success can fill the void of doing what truly makes you feel passionate. While my modeling success gave me a voice, I still felt a strange emptiness and was eager to find a greater sense of fulfillment. Luckily, since becoming an Angel in 2008, I’ve had the wonderful experience of working with photographer Russell James, who’s world-renowned for his photography and for his work as a philanthropist and founder of Nomad Two Worlds. Over the years, I’ve admired how Russell balanced his personal passions and his career, and he discovered that I was yearning to get involved in an important cause. In a series of fortuitous events, my work with Russell and Nomad Two Worlds led me to Hugh Evans, co-founder of the Global Poverty Project. Shortly after our introduction, Hugh started drawing graphs and explaining his mission to eradicate the world of extreme poverty and build awareness in the U.S. I had never heard someone speak so passionately and proactively about such a vast global issue. Unbelievably, 1.4 billion people on our planet live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.50 a day. I was so captivated by Hugh’s passion to educate the public and give them tools to get involved and make a difference. In my heart I felt I found that missing link in my life, a way I could use my voice to make a difference in the world. And so I began a new chapter of my life with a sense of responsibility. I want to spread the word of the Global Poverty Project’s mission to end this poverty epidemic within a generation. I want to ignite the same passion in others as I have found in myself. I’m only 23, and while every day brings a new challenge, a new lesson and a new self-discovery, I now know that I’m on the right path. I know that I can make a difference in the world. Erin Heatherton donated her fee for writing this column to the Global Poverty Project Get well soon, Edide?! Something is wrong with that sweet little puppy munchkin's eye? I rescue and rehabilitate traumatized and injured dogs, so my thoughts are definitely with you. (Hugs)
  18. Ellen Lewis (WofNY) is the best casting director out there. I bet this Scorsese/DiCaprio project is going to be very strong contention duriong award season. Don't know if you saw this yet on LDC's girlfriend, but it looks like his philothropic love is catching on. Erin is quite articulate too. I have to admit, I read the whole thing through, it's quite interesting. Gives you some insight into the person, and she wrote it herself. I'm impressed. Great choice, Leo! From the Chicago Sun Times: Up until I turned 16, I was just your average teenager living in Skokie. My life changed instantly when I was discovered by a model scout while on a campus tour of the University of Miami. One day I was playing on a high school basketball team and dreaming of going to college and becoming a doctor, and the next day I started a very different kind of education. Traveling the world as a model and Victoria’s Secret Angel has taught me a lot about myself and about the power of my choices. I’ve learned that no amount of success can fill the void of doing what truly makes you feel passionate. While my modeling success gave me a voice, I still felt a strange emptiness and was eager to find a greater sense of fulfillment. Luckily, since becoming an Angel in 2008, I’ve had the wonderful experience of working with photographer Russell James, who’s world-renowned for his photography and for his work as a philanthropist and founder of Nomad Two Worlds. Over the years, I’ve admired how Russell balanced his personal passions and his career, and he discovered that I was yearning to get involved in an important cause. In a series of fortuitous events, my work with Russell and Nomad Two Worlds led me to Hugh Evans, co-founder of the Global Poverty Project. Shortly after our introduction, Hugh started drawing graphs and explaining his mission to eradicate the world of extreme poverty and build awareness in the U.S. I had never heard someone speak so passionately and proactively about such a vast global issue. Unbelievably, 1.4 billion people on our planet live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.50 a day. I was so captivated by Hugh’s passion to educate the public and give them tools to get involved and make a difference. In my heart I felt I found that missing link in my life, a way I could use my voice to make a difference in the world. And so I began a new chapter of my life with a sense of responsibility. I want to spread the word of the Global Poverty Project’s mission to end this poverty epidemic within a generation. I want to ignite the same passion in others as I have found in myself. I’m only 23, and while every day brings a new challenge, a new lesson and a new self-discovery, I now know that I’m on the right path. I know that I can make a difference in the world. Erin Heatherton donated her fee for writing this column to the Global Poverty Project
  19. Wow, I'm thinking you didn't have the benefit of a RN degree. Chronic disease management and the trillion-dollar science of behaviour change proves "...fat quit eating" is just about the most uninformed thing a person could say.
  20. I love this picture of LDC and KW. Grew-up together! Bored today...so I copied and pasted some things. LDC & Scorsese Films: The Departed (2006): Worldwide: $289,847,354 The Aviator (2004): Worldwide: $213,741,459 Gangs of New York (2002):Worldwide: $193,772,504 Total: Two of the great film artists today, have achieved almost $700 M dollars together on three productions...so far! Some choices I checked out: R+J (1996): = Worldwide: $147,554,998 Gangs of New York (2002): Worldwide: $193,772,504 Catch Me if you can (2002): Worldwide: $352,114,312 The Aviator (2004): Worldwide: $213,741,459 Blood Diamond (2006): Worldwide: $171,407,179 The Departed (2006): Worldwide: $289,847,354 Body of Lies (2008): Worldwide: $115,097,286 Shutter Island (2010): Worldwide: $294,804,195 Inception (2011): Worldwide: $825,532,764 It would be great it if LDC could work with Speilberg again! Also, the Aviator did very well! It earned nearly $214 M worldwide. I wonder how LDC would do in a Coen Brother Production? hint, hint Despite what happens in his personal life, LDC just gets better with his craft, year after year - that's all on HIM! Good on yah, Leo!
  21. Hey guys, Top of the day to you all! Thanks for your welcome. Not much new, but I thought I would add this to the mix, since it's new: From the New York Post on June 17: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/gatecrasher/erin-heatherton-working-hard-romance-leo-dicaprio-strong-article-1.1096565?localLinksEnabled=false Erin Heatherton is working hard to keep her romance with Leonardo DiCaprio going strong “LEONARDO DICAPRIO may have met his match. According to an insider, the “Inception” star’s latest leggy love, Erin Heatherton, is “head over heels” for the actor and is “doing everything possible not to mess up” the relationship. Our source says Heatherton, 23, who’s been seeing DiCaprio since December, appears to be much less high-maintenance than some of the famed bachelor’s previous girlfriends (see Bar Refaeli) and notes that the couple “rarely argues.” Whatever Heatherton is doing, it appears to be working. Compared to the extremely secretive beginning of their relationship, the super-discreet DiCaprio has been much more relaxed about showing PDA for his blond babe. According to our source, Heatherton, 23, has divulged her feelings about DiCaprio to a number of her fellow Victoria’s Secret beauties, and we wish her luck. We don’t see Leo as the marrying type, but he and Heatherton surely could make some beautiful babies together.” Can you imagine the kids? Gorgeous! Love these two.
  22. Hi Everyone Glad to be here. You read like good people I'm a newbie. Gosh, I can't wait for this movie. I visited NO and came home hoping I would live there one day. Leo and the NO backdrop - not bad at all! Anyway, I found some interview notes that include Leo. Bar's Adira posted some scans from AT Magazine that Bar did in Hebrew. Lovely Maccabi was kind enough to translate. Here are a few quotes concerning Leo. Maccabi: “concerning Leo-she says she doesnt like talking about her private life.She wants them to herself-and she does it with all her partners.” Question? “”Is there smth in common to all the men that you'v loved?”” Answer? “”"They were all warm in their behavior,hug and stroke…the Italians r similar to the Israelis in their temperament//but there r not rules about love..[cut] also most of my work in not in Israel so it turns out that I meet mostly non-Israelis."@ Question? “”You bf was seen kissing another girl..would u forgive?”” Answer? “"Noooooooo"” Question: “”What is your Leo's favorite film?”” Answer? “"What's Eating Gilbert Grape". You can c his talent there.He plays a retarded ..it's not a simple.”” Question? “”How will your marriage dress look like?”” Answer? “"Long ,off-white and soft,without any corset or smth..it'll be as simple as possible. I wish wear it in my parent's garden,with only 20 guests "” Question? “”What was the funniest talkback that was written about you?”” Answer?”"I never read talkbacks"” This was recently published. Gives me a strange feeling. Are Leo and Erin still a couple? I saw some pictures of them bike riding together. So cute
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