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Everything posted by darkestcelestial

  1. Thought that I would add a few more eyecandies for you all.
  2. Hey everyone.. While I'm not a "newbie" on the board.. I'm just not one who actively posts.. haha. Anywho! Just so it's clear, I'm a chick (have read that there are sometimes issues when on this topic) AND I think Doutzen is BEAUTIFUL. I saw her in a German Glamour magazine.. Or some fashion magazine and got excited that I actually knew which model she was. Sad, a bit.. But small things like that make me smile. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnywho! That's it!
  3. And some of my older ones. Don't ask where I got them, because honestly? I have no idea. I've had them for a while now.
  4. YAY, glad you all liked them! Adam, complete yumminess. Just found this one the other day. If anyone can like.. I dunno get me the managzine and mail it to me in Germany, that would be soooooooooo nice It was in Entertainment Weekly.
  5. couldn't help it! Had to add some more!
  6. Okay, so yeah.. Totally FIRST time ever posting in this forum! Buuuuuuuuuut I saw this thread and just haaaaaaaaaaaad to come in and share my Adam pics! I lurve me some Adam and of course the rest of the guys of M5! So yeah hi everyone and hope you enjoy the pics! I have looooooooots lots more.. SO just let me know if you want more!
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