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Everything posted by Minty.

  1. @Aless AHHH! that photo always makes me stop when I'm googling Chico pictures. <3 The lighting is gorgeous and those jeans are lovely. :'D @Yezzy Awwwwww......LMAO. <3 This one is my favorite because he's all....STOP! O: IN THE NAME OF LOVE! BEFORE YOU BREAK MY HEART!~ So amazing. <3
  2. I love Chico's make up in this photoshoot. <3 I tried it myself but I ended up looking like I had mercury poisoning and was crying tears of...er...death. >.>
  3. Phew. I thought I was going crazy there for a second...seeing Franciscos everywhere...o.o He also kind of looks like Heath Ledger. O:
  4. Joseph Gordon-Levitt VS Chico Does anyone else see any similarities...? .....or have I just seen waaaaay too many pictures of Chico and everyone is starting to look like him...@_@ AND HELLO YEZZY! :'D
  5. OH!!!! I'm so sorry...I'm done! I won't do it again! D: Ahhh....
  7. Once upon a time, Chico wrestled an very, very mean bear. O: You see, the bear first ate his porridge, then his surfboard...and then eventually his dog. ): And in a fit of rage, Chico went CHOMP, and ate the bear in one bite, all except for the head - which he kept as a trophy. EDIT: ohmygod. I offically have no life. xD
  8. ....or inbetween big sweaters and shirtless. ;D OH! OH! We should have like story time with his photos. o.o ....oh dear. I'm pathetic. xD
  9. I'm sorry if this has already been posted...but I love it when guys where big sweaters. (: So cozy.
  10. there a little picture haha to not forget him Is it even possible to forget him? O: His lips have such a nice shape to them....and I like how the letters are going through his ears. x)
  11. @AlessandraDuran Awwww...you're such a sweetheart. <3 :') If you ever become a model (ong I just saw you're profile picture and you're really, really pretty btw <3), DON'T DATE ME. D: I'd only want you for your bod because I'm a creepy perv like that. You'd be better off dating riviera. x) @jpgbygaultierOhmygod...I'm so sorry. D; I'm sorry for being so rude to you..and I'm sorry that you had to go through something like that. And I hadn't really thought of Chico being like that before, because I assumed he was good with girls because he grew up around two sisters. But your opinion makes a LOT of sense...I was just being naive. -big hug- ): @rivietayeeeeah....the quote are getting super super long. Is it okay if I just do this instead? I'm so lazy. >____< -facedesk-
  12. welcome minty well he's young,handsome,sexy he's a man it's gonna happen lol fangirls of any celebrity are like that i think ,you know they gotta stan for their man AHHH. :'D SO TRUE. BAAAH. He'll need restaining orders pretty soon. x)
  13. Ahh it's okay I lurked for a while too! haha hi! x) Awww...hello! I told myself a long time ago I wouldn't join because I didn't want to seem too obsessed -- but I couldn't deny my own pervyness. BUH. o: My ovaries have waaaaay to much control over my life.
  14. Eeeeeeeeek...I finally had to join Bella because you guys are so cute and sweet! :'D <3 I feel like such a creeper for lurking in this thread for so long...
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