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Everything posted by Moo

  1. I don't get it. Why did he "get it" when they announced who she was? Is he implying that she was ignoring him because she needed to warm up?
  2. Yeah, and the fact she's not wearing a bra in the red carpet picture. Her breasts fluctuate in size quite a bit. Some woman are like that. That's where the weight goes on first and leaves there first too.
  3. WOW, hot hot hot! I hope there's an editorial.
  4. ^Well, that explains why her walk was way better than it had been previously.
  5. The background music is awesome.
  6. The Axe Lounge pictures look great. Not too warm in Miami tonight, but much better than where I'm at. SO jealous!
  7. Hey, everyone. I'm new, obviously. I have been a lurker for a while and I thought I should finally join, so I could post. As you can see, I am a Marisa fan, but I like some other models too (for example, Alessandra).
  8. No, she didn't. They didn't show much of the audience during the show. Just the same few people over and over again. And she didn't present, so no luck seeing her that way.
  9. I was expecting her to attend and I'm thrilled she did. I think she looks amazing, but I am surprised she wore a look quite similar to last year's.
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