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Everything posted by Maeghan

  1. I'm sorry. I wish I could agree with you all that Leo doesn't need awards or an Oscar. I'm feeling terribly disappointed this year. I really thought this would be his year to win, not just be nominated, and now I'm not sure he'll get nominated. It seems like someone always steals his thunder. I know he won the NBR and I was thrilled. But now everything seems to be about Christoph Waltz, which I don't get. Not only was Waltz runner up with NY, LA and Boston critics, but I just read he was nominated with the San Diego critics and, guess what? No Leo. Does Waltz have the resume of Leo? No way. But they seems to love Waltz none the less. I'm beginning to think Leo will never win. Sorry, starting to cry...
  2. Sorry,...Matthew Mcconaughey for Magic Juan Mike??? I think I fall into the same incognita like with Justin Bieber in the picture of Paramount Studios... How much did he pay? Edit: Maeghan I know Leo doesn't campaign and while it would be great to see him win awards, I really don't want to see him in one of those try-hard campaigns that most of the time leave them as fools in a situation of "swim so much just to die on the shore". (As we said here ) So, those constant appearances in every red carpet, talking excessively about their personal life and mention in every interview the sacrifices they made for role, we should leave it to others that really look desperate to take something home. I agree that I don't want to see him acting desparate, but it would be nice if one critics group would honor him. Assuming those groups have award ceremonies, they aren't broadcast on TV. I don't think he'd look desparate to win one. My main point is that it says more about the critics that they never reward him than it says about his performances.
  3. Leo does terrible with critics groups. If he wins one this year from a critics group, particularly a major critics group, I'll eat liver and onions! It's like they can't bring themselves to acknowledge his performances. Even with "The Departed," when his performance was almost universally praised, not one major critics group would award him.
  4. Thanks for welcoming me back and giving second chances. Sometimes I say things in the moment and then regret it. Feel free to send me internet slaps when I get carried away! Maybe the alcohol story is true -- if it included everyone -- but wow that is still a huge amount. The press made it seem like Leo had consumed $3 million!
  5. Now Anne Thompson is saying Jackson will be the one to get the Oscar nod, not Leo. Grrrrrrrr.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I will try to stay positive! Nice words from Ms. Lumley.
  7. I'm getting disappointed about Leo's Oscar chances, or chances at any awards. It seems there's always something that gets in his way. I was looking at Awards Daily and someone posted Anne Thompson's comments (and she's someone who understands Oscars) and now they are saying that Samuel L. Jackson is in and Leo is out. It really burms me up. I had high hopes this year, given that he is playing against type, in a supporting role and with Weinstein backing him. One poster on AD said he tries to hard and only takes Oscarbaity roles so the Academy likes to snub him. Really? "Inception," "Body of Lies," were "oscarbaity"? What about all the other actors who constantly only do "oscarbaity" roles, like George Clooney? I think if Jackson starts getting buzz, Weinstein will drop any compaign for Leo and will campaign for Jackson. Weinstein wants to win Oscars; he doesn't care which actor gets it for him. Also, I'm glad Leo held a benefit for the Hurricane Sandy victims. I was beginning to think he didn't care, since he jetted off to Vegas right after the storm. I live in the northeast U.S. and it has been devasting. Many people lost everything they had (some their lives) and it has been a difficult time here and will continue to be with the upcoming holidays. I've posted a couple of times here before and made some silly comments and I apologize. I actually do read these boards and am a fan.
  8. I am sorry to everyone for what I wrote. I have deleted my posts as best that I can. Good night.
  9. I am not trying to start anything here, but I think Leo and Bar broke up again. It seems odd that she did not attend the premiere of "Inception" in either London or Paris. I read that Leo went to dinner with Marion Coltiaurd (sp?) and her boyfriend in Paris but no mention of Bar. Like I said, not trying to start anything.
  10. Are you directing this at me? I'm not someone using a "new" user name, if that is what you mean. You can believe me or not. I was trying to say what I thought and be nice. I think Bar is fine, but I don't like people bashing others as "weird Leo fans" -- a true Leo fan isn't going to bash his girlfriend.
  11. I am new here and I hope you do not mind that I am joining this discussion. I am a Leo DiCaprio fan. But I also like fashion and because he is (or was) dating Bar, I have come to see posts at this site. Please don't assume all of us Leo fans are nuts who want to bash Bar. I don't and I don't think all Leo fans do. True, there are some Leo "fans" who bash any woman he dates, be it Gisele or Bar. But there are also some Gisele fans who can't seem to accept that their relationship is over. I find it funny how people say he looks "sad" with Bar, since people said the same thing when he was with Gisele. Leo is private and I'm sure that is part of the reason he doesn't walk the red carpet with Bar, etc. I've seen French's posts on other sites too and her comments about Bar and Leo being a "fake" couple. Why would anyone "fake" being a couple -- particularly for nearly four years? If they were going to fake it for publicity's sake, then I would think he would take Bar on red carpets! That said, my own two cents, is that they may have broken up. She said she is spending the summer in Israel. It doesn't mean she has a new boyfriend or that either she or Leo are bad people. I think given their professions, with all the traveling, it must be hard to maintain a relationship. Anyway, I know you want to focus on Bar and that is fine as this is her message board, but I wanted to say that I doubt most of Leo's fans are trying to bash Bar. It's just some people like to cause trouble. To them, I say, if you can't be nice, then don't post. Thank you for your time and I apologize to anyone who didn't want to read more about this subject.
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