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Everything posted by Sickan

  1. Sickan


    As the rest of you I love the movie but to everyone who hasn't read the book yet, do it!!!
  2. If you ask me I wouldn't consider having a boob joob. And maybe I should mention that I have really small breasts. I don't judge people who decide to enlarge their breasts it's really up to them. One of my friends did it, as you mentioned because of low self-esteem, and today she feels really good about her self!
  3. He's a really piece of meat!!!!!! Damn he's hot. He was so cute as Mr Tumnus in the first Narnia movie. And to not forget his accent, just lovely!
  4. He's a really piece of meat!!!!!! Damn he's hot. He was so cute as Mr Tumnus in the first Narnia movie. And to not forget his accent, just lovely!
  5. He's a really piece of meat!!!!!! Damn he's hot. He was so cute as Mr Tumnus in the first Narnia movie. And to not forget his accent, just lovely!
  6. That is really hard. I mean the looks of a person is normally the first thing you get to see and therefore it's the first impression. I think it's so sad because people can be so judgemental and shallow. My friends has also mentioned that they would never date a guy who isn't attractive but I mean come on I think it's so juvenile. I must say I find it hard too but at least I try to not judge the book by it's cover. Get to know the person first because in the end it's really not about the looks.
  7. Sickan

    Weight Loss

    I have tried a few things and the best thing that worked out for me was combining lifting weights and doing cardio. One thing you mustn't forget is when you start lifting weights your muschles will grow and muscles weighs more than fat so you shouldn't be all disapointed if you haven't lost anything. Don't be so obsessed about what the scale says try to focus on what you feel. Because training should make you happy not sad all because of a stupid scale!
  8. Well I may not be obsessed with legs but one thing that I like when it comes to male parts is hands. That is so manly
  9. Oh God she's so beautiful!!!!!!
  10. Sickan

    Kate Winslet

    I love Kate Winslet. She is such a talented actress. Titanic will probably always be on of my favourite movies and I can't even count how many times I've watched it.
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