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Everything posted by bonkbc

  1. Thanks Gigiriva, it worked! :dance:
  2. I downloaded the video, but it won't play. I have windows xp. any help? thank you
  3. just curious...what science is involved in advertising?
  4. bonesaw...that was a hilarious and ABSOLUTELY true comment!
  5. don't have a pic...but to anyone who's watched Entourage season 1...the episode with the sherpa. Vince's YOGA girlfriend chick. very very very nice.
  6. The girl in the 2nd pic is Marissa Miller (from VS and Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, as well as others)
  7. sorry guys and gals, just trying to make a funny. hahah, funny one..."iron fistedness". I totally understand that the posts need to be moderated, though. Not knocking the admin...just the other members who take things a little too seriously. Let's be honest now, we're here looking at hot chicks, not discussing the politcal and economic stances about the civil war in Rwanda. Lighten up! : )
  8. Gocho...uhhhhhh, it was just a joke.
  9. yeah, you're right...she looked FINE in the 04 edition as well! I'd say it's a good toss up. Can't go wrong with 04 or 06. HAHAHA, that's funny by the way, you wanted to be a sheep! ha ha. Either a sheep or a barn door, right?! They were some good pics. I'm way more a fan of the healthy-thick look instead of the skeleton-waif look. Even with my GF, if she gets too skinny, I'm sure to take her to the diner and get her a big breakfast of eggs and pancakes. : )
  10. I think this (SI '06) is the best she has ever looked. If you go back and look closely at SI '05 she looks too thin. Waifish. That's not the way she's built. This is a much more natural and healthy body weight for her. She looks frickin' ridiculous too I might add. Nicest body in the mag by far...beautiful face as well. Does anyone have a nicer ass? IMO, no! : )
  11. my lord, she is absolutely AMAZING. What a fine piece of female! IMO, you can't find a nicer body, or all around package. OK, enough of my rant. Toodles
  12. WOW! marisamiller2002...GREAT pics. Where's that last black and white pic from? Then one where she's coming out of the water? I've never seen that before. She's sooooo fine. Thanks! i think it's part of the SI underwater series are there any more pics from that series, or maybe a video that goes along with it? Thanks!
  13. WOW! marisamiller2002...GREAT pics. Where's that last black and white pic from? Then one where she's coming out of the water? I've never seen that before. She's sooooo fine. Thanks!
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