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Everything posted by Peanutsauce

  1. Well, there you go. People are so dramatic over nothing 😂
  2. No there's a man sitting between them. You can see his head if you look carefully.
  3. Isn't this from the same Yeezy show that many people were invited to? And Candice went bc she's the face of the campaign. I also see someone sitting between them and them not really paying attention to each other but yeah 'let's use an ill placed picture that makes it look like they're sitting next to each other to fill column inches and get clicks on our pages' - the guiding motto of tabloids to thrive since the 60s 😂 Be real for a moment...
  4. And since when is tabloid gossip the gospel? This is a nonsense story generated by media outlets for clicks on their webpages. That's it. I doubt even candice or kanye are behind it. There's really nothing to back it up.
  5. Do you have proof that it's true or that it is PR?
  6. Exactly. Thread was made to enjoy Candice's photos. Too many people on here bitching about C. I think they confuse it with LSA 😂
  7. Oh seeing as how quick people assume things these days and have no grasp over irony, it's a no brainer. The whole reason she posted the story in the car, half an hour later made it pretty obvious but I'm guessing even that went over people's head 😂 You can't help people who don't want to understand, even second time over. I'd delete it too. A strong mental personality or empathy is clearly not the forte of haters.
  8. So you don't want the pictures to even exist? What a bunch of weirdos 👀
  9. I've following this forum for 10 years now. But please go on, tell me about myself. Your nastiness and bitching is why no one sensible likes to engage with people like you. No worth it to ruin our day.
  10. If you want to be hateful go join some other forum bc we don't tolerate nonsense here. I understand objective criticism but you are presenting a very ugly and stubborn perspective.
  11. Exactly, stories that last 24hrs. Not to forget, she literally got INVITED by Kim to her launch. I don't know how your parents raised you but my parents always raised me to be kind to people who extend friendship. I suppose you normally ignore people who invite you to their parties? Normally CS would've thanked the invitee on her feed, posted a photo with them and tagged them but none of that this time. Just her outfit. And she didn't even tag Skims or Kim on her stories, just reposted her manager's post. She's doing the most bare minimum. With CS you have to read between the lines. I'm surprised after years of following her you still haven't realised that. She's not hateful like you to say in bold letters. She's less talk, more action.
  12. Since you like to hang onto her every word, 'Don't let the computer get inside you'. Now detractors, converse and debate what that means for half an hour. For the detached and clinical, the fact that she didn't post or acknowledge Kim on her feed, inspite of being invited to her event is proof that C was indeed trolling. Posts are forever, stories last only 24 hrs.✌️
  13. That's better than bitching about a story on the internet. Candice comes from a humble background (Mooi River in South Africa) and it's easy to see how grounded she is. I love to see her troll snowflakes though and get them in a tizzy 😂
  14. Some people on this thread are seriously lacking IQ points. It's obvious Candice was trolling.
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