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High Priestess

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Everything posted by High Priestess

  1. I definitely like the depth of yours. And I love this scene ✨
  2. hi @YouNoMe it's so nice of you to ask about me💛 I’m still okay 👌 still alive. Resently, I’ve realized that fate is real. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. The death cannot be avoided. People managed to escape from the city that is constantly under attack, but got into a car accident in which no one survived. It’s like in this movie Final Destination. Personally, I’m not afraid of death. I’m kinda like Tommy Shelby dead inside. I fight my demons every day, so death could be a great release. I’m only afraid of dying slowly with thoughts of regret about the past. Sorry for such dark message.
  3. He's also super intuitive and see through people. 👀 I'm still positive about it 😌 I also think that he possibly will marry not a typical model or celebrity and she might be much mature (emotionally) and wise, but still young. 🙎‍♀️
  4. 📌From astrological point of view Scorpio ♏️ has a tendency to get merry late in life, because he is so picky and wants to spend the rest of his life with a real soulmate. So, when he finds the one, he doesn’t waste time and commit.💍👩‍❤️‍👨 ‼️There are a few psychological things that can give even more explanation. So, a guy can promise his gf that one day they will get merry and create family together etc. He promises all this sweet things just to keep her in his life for personal benefits. She considers him as the love of her life, while he can break up with her just for another lady, who is more suitable for him. Then it takes only a few months for him to propose, because he found a true love. 💕 That’s so true that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. We even love differently. 💃💟☮️🕺
  5. Leo is back to USA 🇺🇸 https://instagram.com/stories/the_daily_leo_dicaprio/2791478160463516654?utm_medium=copy_link IMG_0105.MOV
  6. Yep, this’s crystal clear for me that he’s Russian. do you speak Russian?
  7. Have any one of you seen this deep fake account with Leo on TikTok? 😹 Unfortunately, there is no subtitles. But I can translate it for you.
  8. Happy international women’s day to all of you, ladies 🌹
  9. Thank you for you support💙💛 I'm okay. Vinnytsia is still safe (kinda). Perhaps, the local weapons factory will be bombed soon. We'll win 💯 "A battle is won by him who is firmly resolved to win it" - Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
  10. There is no obvious reason to hate him! Leo is such incredible human being, a kindhearted fellow 💖✨
  11. Your words about hate and contempt reminded me of these lines from “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin: Who'd lived and pondered, in his soul Can't help despising people, at last, Who'd felt - is troubled by his dole, By spirits of the sunken past: He has no more sweet attractions, He's gnawed by lots of recollections, As by a serpent in his heart.
  12. I’ve seen this one. I don’t think that Camilla such innocent girl. Everyone has its shadow.
  13. This situation has united not only the Ukrainian nation, but also all the people around the world 🌎 Thank you 🙏 You can also use Booking.com
  14. In my case, I’ve believing in such things since early childhood. It’s kinda part of our culture. So controversial. Majority of people are religious, but also do some witchcrafts. I did a coffee reading yesterday.
  15. I also believe in such things🔮 I’m also highly intuitive.
  16. That’s so sweet. Thanks a million for praying and donating🙏 God bless you ❤️ Every Ukrainian appreciate such actions. If you had military experience, you could join the foreign legion. I hope you will visit Ukraine in more peaceful times. Putin started as Hitler and will end as Hitler as well. In that case his soul would be stuck between the worlds and couldn’t be reborn again. Or we can return the bounty law: Putin wanted dead or alive. There would be huge price for that💰There would be a hero who would kill him especially after such economical disaster in Russia. Anyway, karma is real.
  17. Do you like tarot / astrology stuff? In short: Leo will marry someone who we wouldn't expect. 💕
  18. "To make each day count!" - made me smile. I guess I'm the only one who ain't fan of Titanic. 🙈 Just lovely film and that's all. My first favourite film was Shutter Island. Then Jay Gatsby put magical spell on me🥰
  19. Morning! Thank you for your compassion and support 💙💛 Please pray for us 🙏 🕊 I'm fine. My city kinda stills safe, but a local airport was destroyed yesterday 😞 It’s so surreal. Every breakfast or dinner to the sounds of warning sirens looks like the final scene in «Don't Look Up». But there is one huge difference - I really didn’t have it all. The whole world is held hostage by a psychopath. His speeches pisses me off. (yep, I speak Russian fluently too). Unfortunately, some Russian citizens believe in that sh*t. Propaganda on tv works. Thanks God, Russia is extremely corrupted and annual budget of the largest country is equal to budget of Texas. Politicians stole money that was supposed to be spent on military force etc. In fact, they only created an image that they have such powerful army. Even one of main investigators of BellingCat confirms it. The only serious threat is nuclear weapons. I’m really proud of our fearlessness people and a brave president. Back to 2019, I persuaded my mom to vote for him, because positive aspects of his nature were obvious. I have advice for you, guys. If there is something you want to do then do it. Life is too short. Enjoy every moment. #CarpeDiem And, yeah, don’t let the bastards get you down💪
  20. Thank you for such warm words. ❤ Yes, we'll win. Actually, I ain't from Odessa, but this city has special place in my heart.
  21. Hi there from Ukraine 💙💛 So, Odessa was a part of Russian Empire (1789-1917). Then it became a part of the Soviet Union in 20’s. Ukrainian land has always been very attractive to Russia.
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