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Everything posted by Justin_Tyme

  1. those are awesome how do you make those?
  2. i cant help myself .. here is some more for you guys to look at
  3. i didnt say but chad is the guy with megan in the picture
  4. my friend chad meihuizen had it he partied with megan when she was in south africa he's from cape town ... and he's one of my best friends and i didnt even know he knew megan .. but he has more and he said he will give them to me when he finds them .. but thats the only one he found so far ... im in the yellow hes in the middle .. thank you so much ill make some more if you guys like them
  5. hey here is some new pictures i did when i was at work .. umm not working .. hehe oh yes look what i found... i know its really small but look whos in the middle
  6. or did u want the one i did?
  7. your welcome .. hope you like these also
  8. was bored last night so i pimped out my favorite picture of bree hope yall like
  9. Oh, boo, the stylist mutilated Megan's pretty face on the picture in the left. <_< Is the girl on the left with the green and black jacket ALSO Megan? The face kinda looks like the hilariously pissy expression Megan makes on the runway. But it's hard to tell with such a small pic... and let's face it, it's not like I don't have the habit of mistaking other people for Megan anyway! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it's safe to say that the green and black jacket is Megan. And joy, another person on the guestbook pretending to be Megan (entries have been deleted). Now he/she is emailing webmistress(at)meganewing.net promising pictures and, shock of all shocks!!! hasn't provided any People are riduculous to the point of retarded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> do you have a biger picture of those? and what did they say? hehe
  10. Wow, your art is gorgeous! You should submit this to Me.net pronto! I especially love the first picture... did you draw it freehand or is the actual Guess picture run through an image program? Anyway, it looks like such an awesomely cartoony sketch of Megan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes sir i did draw the first one it took me like 2 weeks is was fun, im doing a new one and ill put it up here once i get it done .. the other 3 i did on this photo shop program i have
  11. cant wait to see bc.com .. how do you get a wireimage account?
  12. some pictures i made i thought you guys would like .. the one i drew i think i messed up her bottom lip but i like them and i hope you guys do also
  13. are you going to post them anytime soon?
  14. your welcome ... arent you making her a website? hows that coming along?
  15. http://www.gimodels.com/bree.html pictures of bree as a blonde
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