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Everything posted by xxmoonshineandmollyxx

  1. Yeah, I think Kate works for the sake of money sometimes because she has three children and also because she doesn't get paid $20 or $30 million a movie. I think she makes far less than that for the entire year even if she does multiple projects. I say that because every year Forbes or The Hollywood Reporter publishes the highest paid actors and actresses lists and Leo is always on the actors list and Kate is never on the actresses list. This is true. But again, I think he barely works because he doesn't NEED to work. He doesn't have children to support and he makes a TON of money on only one project. A bad movie would be one where the script is poor and the plot is aimless and there is really nothing going for it other than the acting (and that is IF the acting is any good). A lot of Kate's movie are like that imo.
  2. It is so weird to me the difference in Leo's filmography and Kate's filmography. Obviously Kate has a very good career and is very respected but so many of her movies are just BAD. She's the only good part of them. Leo is better at picking his parts I think or maybe it is just easier for him because he is a man so there are more good parts in good movies available.
  3. I think what Jennifer said was taken out of context and she may not have been talking about DLU, but just in general. It looks like the writer added in that she was paid less on DLU too. Because you guys are right, when she was specifically asked about the pay gap with Leo she defended it. And Jennifer never actually mentions Leo in this interview. Only the writer does, and the headlines ran with it. 🤭
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