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Everything posted by Veronika

  1. Jesus guys. Calm down. Hahaha well all Hollywood is a huge assumption So It does not Make sense at all in general
  2. Well. The measure of power Or success of man is not designated by his career but conciousness And life choices And not but How much someones earns, in That case How brilliant Actor someone might be. So answer yourself WHY;) Yeah memes nail everything Hahaha
  3. Hahaha. Their PR teams always write Articles on pagesix😸quite paradoxal situation. Ladies Look alike somehow And They Both might be Just PR girlfriends ;D Anyway Love those memes Which re flying around internet
  4. Thats true. But before talking about light And Love we must all face our demons. Hollywood is Just the mirror of some alter ego from our conciousness. With Leo.. can not Wait until he ties knot With Camila. It will be the peace for media And prob some individuals.
  5. Well. I think he is this type of guy. So many years without any respect towards women. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  6. It is not propaganda. Hollywood Hahahaha. Do u think guys Leo might Just sexually uses women? Well we all know, he is brilliant Actor etc, but he merely Shows any emotional gesture in public towards his girlfriends. Even Now... not Sitting next to Came at the table but Just holding her butt. Little without class , Unfortunately.
  7. They have PR relationship. It is more than obvious And even more hilarious hahaha
  8. It is mostly the fail of each industry. „Social life” became number one almost everywhere. Problem as well is that, we can barely nowdays find genuine talent not only in acting Singing but as well art, fashion etc. Hah can not stop lookin at that video With Bezos gf And Cami With Leo when he passionately helds her butt. They had Spicy night after i guess 😹
  9. Thats Why I said somehow on the way. Leo was charming before . His Look changed enermously , well for movies i bet , but the Energy of him as well. Maybe i am So critical recently Cus How he Looks And behaves reminds me of my father( Who is strongly repulsive for me at every level Especially towards women) but we all have some trauma from childhood 🤷🏻‍♀️Timothee will have his Chance in Dune like Leo got With Titanic So Lets lee .
  10. Timothee is on his way to replace that Look of dicaprio very shortly:fresh, handsome etc. Especially Leo is changing his target of movies etc. Can not Wait Actually until Chalamet gets mature. He might be So yummyy
  11. I guess there is Nothing to watch until the next movie of him will appear. His private life always remains the same: girlfriend , paparazzi shoots, Party , dumping woman Then the next one ;D
  12. Trauma And being wounded makes people do crazy things Love is to innocent to do that. How They say. If u do not heal your trauma And Shadows It will effect your romantic relationship
  13. Noone is perfect. He is a Great Actor With extremely high potential And talent but recently he Just Lost Something. We can all Speak our opinion loudly . Do not guys behave like everything over Here needs to be always like Whats on your mind. Sometimes we all should accept different point of view instead of being stuck in personal life perception.
  14. Yeah. Same wavelenghts. Regarding to the past She is his type 100% Nothing Special Nothing horrible . Just is in the middle .
  15. Whatever u guys like. He Looks alike camila Currently. They re perfect match. The same vibes.
  16. Not at all. Always the same clothes. Got massive instead of being in shape. Probably picked Up Energy from all those Women. Nothing unique in him. Typical american guy.
  17. He does not Look Good at all. Probably his lifestyle Shows off
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