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Everything posted by aqdrk

  1. aqdrk


    After 3 years of waiting, I finally present you Alessandra's 2005 Zeki Triko Photoshoot in somewhat descent quality Sorry about the upper corner & scrolling texts, I couldn't help that. There is also a slight audio glitch at the very end, but it's nothing serious. Enjoy! http://rapidshare.com/files/110245188/Ale_..._Triko.avi.html
  2. aqdrk


    LOL... YES! Finally After almost an year, the video is here ;D Thanks for finding it valmount (by the way, I know the ripper - ViChiX for long time, he is also bulgarian...)... and now the funny thing - seems like this video only aired here in Bulgaria... Strange, huh Such a shame... it's probably the best Ale video of all time. We need a HDTV version Anyway, thanks again
  3. aqdrk


    So, still no Zeki video... how sad Oh, btw, thanks impel
  4. aqdrk


    Hey guys, sorry if this is not the right spot, or the question has already been asked, but yesterday I watched the amazing Zeki photoshoot video on a local fashion channel here in Bulgaria. It was quite long (about 10+ minutes) and I was wondering if it has already been captured and uploaded somewhere? It's really the hottest video of Alessandra I've seen so far Thanks for making this forum such a great place!
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