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Everything posted by EGP10

  1. It's a new one. There is another one with that idiot drooling over her gordeous body... but we cant blame him. Can we??
  2. I wish it was bigger...and suit free <_<
  3. WHAT???? Thats very strange...
  4. There are people who say: "too bad she started like this." But for me it's all good...really good!!
  5. The first five are definitely new to me... maybe the last four are new to me as well but im not sure... Thank u for these...
  6. Thank u so much!!! I downloaded just the first one...
  7. Great!!! Where is this from??
  8. Marisa would look better in an OASIS video... the best girl should be with the best band.
  9. And the award for "best pics in a post" goes to... Aldago!!!! Thanks man!!
  10. Take a look in this http://savingface.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2328 and then give us your opinion (they're talking about marisa's breasts being fake). I say those are real...
  11. Im lookin' for new stuff but i can't find any...
  12. Nice. I had a few of those...thank u man!!!
  13. I'd like to see that... but i don't have this channel here in Brazil. What exactly she does in it??
  14. Thanks man. Got a few things i didn't have.
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