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Everything posted by SparkleyAdi

  1. the girl in the orange is Coral, Dor's (Bar's brother) girlfriend
  2. Bar Refaeli and ion Baruch in Tel Aviv
  3. Bar getting a celeb discount when buying a Range Rover
  4. Wow those are gorgeous!! Where are they from? Thanks a million!! I was looking at some pictures by an Israeli photographer and apparently he took those pictures of bar also..
  5. What it actually means is "In the west wall. I put a note. Not telling what I wrote"
  6. 91/ What historic time would you like to have been born? "Tel Aviv of the 70's, the time of Eric Einstien and Uri Zohar. Yes, the time my mom was young. I'm not going to say young and beautiful because she is still beautiful". 92/ with which famous person would you like to trade for one day? "Stivie Wonder. My dream is to know how to sing and play an instrument and I would have known what's it feels like when you can't see" 93/ Who are you envy of? "Anyone who can sing. Alanis moriseete, Gali Atari". 94/ In which talk show producer would you like to get a call from? "Wow! from the producers of 'Nightline' offering me to host. It's the- dream from me" 95/ Where would you volunteer when you go on a pension? "Helping sick kids" 96/ Do you like to fly? "It's a part of my job. I use to fly 3 continents a week and because my boyfriend was abroad I would fly for business and pleasure also. it's very tiring. Today I know what to do to make it easier: Have shoes that you can slip in when you wake up and need to go to the bathroom on the plain. I fly with simple flat black shoes by Lanavin". 97/ What do you like most about flying? "the little packages you get and you have hand cream in them when you fly buisness in El Al. I collect them: 98/ Where do you like vacationing? "At my parents' house in Hod Hasharon with my brothers Neil, Dor and On, my dogs- Puchi and Mishmish and also with my childhood friends". 99/ What did you learn from your therapist? "a lot of things. But mostly is to stop wanting to please people. it doesn;t end. You better invest the energy in your self. 100/ So what is love? "Giving from your heart. I learn that this state of giving- with he family, with friends and in a relationship- is only possible when it's mutual". THE END!
  7. 81/ Do you like extreme sport? "Yes but I'm scared. I try things that are in water, kite surf and surfing, but I will never ski and definitely will never skydive". 82/ Which beach do you like to go to? "In Israel unfortunately I can't go to the beach anymore. It's not fun and anything but relaxing and quiet, but I keep a warm place in my heart for the beach in Herzliya. In the world- I love the beaches in Hawaii. Heaven". 83/ In which holiday do you make an effort to be home? "Yom Kipur. I like to walk around with friends or on bike". 84/ Is there another place in the world you feel at home? "When I lived in LA I made it so I would feel I'm not coming back to a strange place but now home is only Israel". 85/ Do you feel that Israel loves you? (Bar was under a lot of criticism for a lot of things she has done, she has a lot of journalists who talk bad about her) "Hard question. Who is Israel? The country can't speak and say what it thinks about me. The ones who can express good and bad things about me are a group of journalists that even today would talk bad of me, with right reasons or no right reasons/ When an important cover would come out those are the one who would say how important it is for the Israeli propaganda. I can understand how things I've done would cause anger and criticism, like the fact I didn't draft to the army although I really wanted to, but I'm not getting into this. But I really really love Israel, that is for sure". 86/ What do you like about Israel the most? "That you have everything here. Snow at the winter and there's a desert and there's beaches. But mostly, I love the fact that this is where I was born and raised, and when you love something so strongly you don't even ask why". 87/ What Israeli quality do you like most? "The Israeli Chutzpa. (There is really no word that I can think of that can translate the word Chutzpa. It's being used in English also.. It's something between rudeness and braveness I guess..) It's my favorite quality and the one I hate the most also. Abroad it helps us to stand out but in Israel, when it's no longer unique it's a little too much". 88/ Which talkback did you find the most funny? "I don't read talkbacks" 89/ What did you think of the protest tents? (http://www.dissentmagazine.org/online.php?id=512) "I solute those young people. Instead of sitting and bitching they got up and did something. I see how hard it is for people my age, and I;m 26, to get out of their parents' house. They work hard and they still can't get their own place". 90/ what is the most expensive dinner you ate? "recently in Sardinia. Brunch in 150 euros. It was very expensive and that was the only thing special about it". to be continued..
  8. 61/ Which food could you not stand in the past and now you like? "Eggplants salad. I use to think it's old people's food but when I was in restaurants and we had it ont he table, I tried it with a pita and now I even like it". 62/ Which junk food do you most like? "A well done hamburger with tons of ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard. No pickles! but with diet coke" 63/ Which home made food do you most miss? "Schnitzel and Ptitim. The ones my mom makes of course". 64/ How do you like your coffee? "with one teaspoon of brown sugar and soy milk" 65/ How do you like your steak? "Medium rare, with a lot of mustard". 66/ Do you like food? "Very much. I was recently on a vacation i n France and I ate like a cow because it was so good. When I came back hime I sweated every day in the gym half an hour more. But it's ok. I skip breakfasts, it's a habit of years. Even before swimsuit photo shoots I don't fast, I just eat light". 67/ Do you like to cry? "Sure, it's releasing. But I prefer tears of happiness. Last time I cried was out of laughter in one of Katorza's shows". 68/ What Iphone application do you most like? "Super natural fire starter. An amazing magic machine you blow on". 69/ Is there a forum on the internet you like to write in anonymously? "No. By the way, my facebook is not in my real name so if you saw when that has my name on it, it's not mine.. sorry to disappoint". 70/ Talk on the phone or send text messages? "Text messages. The more the better". 71/ What is your favorite short cut? "Lol, stands for Laughing out loud. That's what I write when my friends send me a joke and also on the opposite case, when the joke is really not funny". 72/ What SMS message will you never delete? "There's a lot i save.. from my dad and girlfriends and ex boyfriends. but the ones who are most meaningful are from a good friend of mine since junior high that died last year on Yom Kipur from cancer. He wrote me that life is beautiful". 73/ What slang word is currently your favorite? "BO-EI (Hebrew for come/ lets). My girlfriends and I say it in every chance. 'Let's admit that...'" 74/ and curse? "Shit. It comes out of my mouth a lot. Mainly on little things, when something is falling out of my hand". 75/ Which word in a foreign language do you like? "Noelle. It's Christmas in french. I like it's sound. And the funniest word in Hebrew is PUPIK (Hebrew for bellybutton). Who came up with it?" 76/ How do you express your love to planet earth? "I recycle plastic bottles" 77/ Which day of the week do you like? "When I'm in Israel then it's Friday. There's a different atmosphere in the air. Different songs on the radio, a cooking smell in the air for the Shabbath dinner. When I'm abroad all of the days seem the same for me". 78/ What is the first book shelf you turn to on a book store? "The best sellers, mainly Israeli writers. I usually buy them on the airport because friends recommended me or because I read another book by the same author. After "Melech Hachumus ve malkat haambatyia" by Ilan Hiytner I really waited for his next book. Lately I've been trying to download books to the internet or read them with my Ipad because I really hate how heavy my suitcases got". 79/ Which books from your library will you not give anyone? "'Tuesdays with Murry' by Mitch Album. Instead of loaning it to friends, I buy them copies. it's about the simple life after you retire from the endless race for money and fame". 80/ What present do you like to get? "It's hard to buy me presents because I really do have everything, thank god. Clothes I get when I'm working. and when I want something so once a week I'm in the duty free. So I really appreciate gifts that have some thinking behind them. 2 years ago I started cooking so my friend Gal but made me this amazing book with photographs and recipes that are really basic and nice. On my last birthday all of my friends ought me a lot of game you should have in your house like monopoly and remicube.. these gifts move me because it means that who ever bought them for me really knows me". to be continued..
  9. Why is it adorable..? I try to make as less mistakes as I can
  10. 51/ What electric device don't' you like? "can't stand vacuum cleaners. I don't have a problem washing the florr or doing dishes but the vacuum cleaner is heavy and clumsy and always gets stuck". 52/ Bath or shower? "I have baths! I never understood what's so fun in sitting in your own dirt. It's a waste of time and you can't even read because your fingers are wet. It's also a waste of water and it doesn't relax me at all. i love showers". 53/ Summer or winter? "Summer. Totally. I love the sun. It gives me vitamins of happiness". 54/ In what car do you like to ride? "My car, Mini Cooper". 55/ What age do you like? "The years between 16-18. You're not a girl but not a woman yet. I had a lot of commitments back then but I knew I'm still allowed to make mistakes. I felt I have legitimacy to be in these two world and enjoy them". 56/ What pet did you dream of having? "A monkey. Because of Bubbles, Michael Jackson's chimp. There's some places it's illegal to have a monkey as a pet but because I love them I think they'll be happier out in the wild". 57/ What story did you like to hear before bedtime? "My dad was in charge of the stories before we go to bed and he didn't read us stories, he made up this dog called Gingi (redhead). Every night it was a different story and because I heard every story once I don't remember them well but I remember how I pictured to dog in my head when I was little". 58/ Which professions in school did you like best? "Bible and math. I hated English. I have a good English because of my travels and my job but when it came to rules I couldn't understand why you say this and not that. I had a fight with my literature teacher, she showed us the movie "A clockwork orange" and I asked her why is it good for her to show a bunch of 16 year olds and because of that I quit literature". 59/ Who are the celebs you liked when you were young? "Hanson brothers. They were 3. I liked them all, especially Taylor. At age 12 or something I wrote to the TV shoe "Chalom Alechem" and asked them to meet me with the Hanson brothers but that never happened". 60/ What games do you like? "Puzzles. When I finish I put them in the closet. I'm addicted to the trivia Tv shows. Love the questions they have". to be continued..
  11. 41/ Where do you like to shop the most? "Me? Shopping? Don't like it and not good at it. The best shopping i've done are the ones where I saw something on someone and said 'I want like this'" 42/ What is the vest compliment you like to hear? "That I'm prettier on the inside" 43/ Do you like being photographed? "I better. As a child, being a model was a boost for my confidence I didn't have. I didn't like being looked at and up until today I don't like people starring at me. But in front of the camera I got a chance to make believe, become other characters. Today the offers I get are through agencies around the world so I get to pick the ones I want but I'm not afraid of hard work. On the Sport's Illustrated photo shoot we dived underwater. It was hard and amazing also. Looking back, I could have paid them to take me to that job. My profession also perpetuates my life. It's not that I have a lot of time to look at albums buy here, you're showing me the covers I've done to "Zmanim Modernim" 2 years ago. The photographers look at the composition, the stylists look at the clothes and I look to myself in the eyes and see things no one will see and understand". 44/ what furniture in your house do you most like? "An amazing lamb I bought recently to my living room. It's a chandelier that strings are coming out of it". 45/ What place in your house do you most like? "The expected answer is the bedroom, but no. When my younger brother- On, moved to live in my brother's, Dor, room, who moved out of the house, I took On's room and made it out of my closet room. I know it might look superficial. But because I'm in flights all the time I live ut of a suitcase so it's really nice having everything in my room to see open and what it is and not folded". 46/ Do you like to sleep? "Very. 9 hours is a must. I can sleep for 7 hours also but you will tell I'm tired". 47/ What do you do when you can't fall asleep? "Take a sleeping pill" 48/ What is the last thing you like to do before you go to sleep? "Watch TV, especially 'Sex and the city'" 49/ Where do you like to wake up? "In my bed, in my house. Not because it's special, just because it's mine". 50/ Which house work do you like to do the most? "Laundry. I'm good at separating colors, I like it when my laundry is coming out with good smell and I don't have a problem to fold". To be continued..
  12. 31/ Which bad habit you will never stop? "I bite the skin around my fingernails, and no one will tell em to stop!" 32/ What do you do more, manicure or pedicure? "I think manicure just because of my habit to bite the skin around my fingernails" 33/ Do you like tattoos? "No. On a man? I don't care, it's his" 34/ Which quality don't you like about yourself? "I'm impatience. When someone insists to explain me something for the thousand time when I understood it for the first time I get borred and annoyed. I haven't learnt to count till 10 but the years help me express my impatience in a more thoughtful way". 35/ What names will you choose for your kids? "If it depends only on my taste, I like it when girls have boys' names. Like Ophir, Yuval and Ariel. I like Ben for a boy". 36/ What is your nickname you like the best? "Barbur. Everybody calls me that". 37/ How will your wedding dress look like? "Like a kombinizon. A long fabric, off-white. No corset and no glitter and lace. Just because I wore almost everything you can wear, my wedding dress will be the most simple and soft. I wish I would wear it in Israel, in my parents backyard, when only 20 people are there. 38/ what is your favorite clothing in your closet? "I have a pair of jeans since the 9th grade, they're big, and for boys, I wear it all the time". 39/ What piece of clothing makes you feel the prettiest? "Jeans and a white T-shirt. When I wear a black T-shirt I feel dressed up and if I added a belt, I guess it's a really spacial occasion". 40/ What do you do with clothes you don't like anymore? "things my friends would like to wear then I give it to them, few months ago I organized my clothes and filled 7 boxes and gave them all to children who are refugees". to be continued...
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