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Everything posted by LeonF1

  1. Found this on Michael Neveux's portfolio site (lots of stunning work here, though it's all obviously processed to get that commercial look). Presumably an outtake from the Ironman Swimsuit shoot.
  2. I'd been looking to source the Jim Gianatsis videos for a while now and was getting close to just contacting him directly about them - and it turns out he or someone acting on his behalf had gone and put them online: Iron and Lace II. Cori starts at 20:27. And, more interestingly, what's apparently a Youtube-safe version of Garage Girls? It's really a different video altogether from the Vivid/Peach release - same title, same models, same shoots, but mostly different (and safe for work) cuts. More of what you'd expect from a "behind the scenes" look than the more commonly seen version which is mostly just a showcase of nakedness. Cori starts at 22:47 (her first scene appears in both versions). I'm really curious about what's going on here. Did some more searching around and apparently there's a "director's cut"? Which one is which? I have the physical Vivid DVD and it doesn't indicate one way or the other.
  3. Yep, she was def. a little too ahead of her time and I think her modelling career was in some ways a victim of its own success. I've been wondering recently myself how differently things would have turned out for her if the tech and tools to make being internet famous genuinely lucrative existed back when she was in her prime. Thanks for posting these! A little disappointed that they appear to be just larger versions of the existing sets. Woody went a little overboard with the airbrushing and color grading in the later Cori releases, and I always liked how she was far more natural looking in the XL releases up until now. Her lines and imperfections are intriguing.
  4. Awesome! Thanks for posting.
  5. Is there a photo missing? Looks like there should be something between 044x.jpg and 046x.jpg
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