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Everything posted by vinitchaudhari

  1. These five free weight loss tips can help. 1. Change your calorie intake. One way to overcome a plateau while maintaining a healthy weight loss plan is to change your calorie intake. Monitor how many calories you're eating and decrease them slightly to see if your weight scale moves again. You might try the zigzag method as well. 2. Replace a snack or two. If you usually eat a chocolate bar as a mid-afternoon snack, try replacing this with a fruit or vegetable. Eat apples, bananas, carrots and low-fat dip, or celery and low fat dip instead of chocolate. Fruits and vegetables are not only filling, but they also promote healthy weight loss. This 30-day meal plan & weight loss guid may be interest of you: https://docsbay.net/30-day-meal-plan-weight-loss-guide 3. Keep exercising, but endure longer. Another way to boost weight loss and get your body moving again is to increase your exercise time. Instead of 30 minutes a day, try exercising 45 minutes a day. Walk every chance you get. 4. Monitor "what" you are eating. Are you eating mainly sugar and carbohydrates on your weight loss diet? If so, try replacing one or two of these with a protein-rich food. Protein is a proven fat burner and energy booster, and many weight trainers use it to boost their workouts. 5. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Instead of eating three large meals a day, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Reduce portion sizes at your regular meals, and add small snacks in between each meal.
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