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Everything posted by Summate

  1. I've just downloaded netflix from apknite to my phone and watched E01 of S03 and everything that I noticed is Mrs. Wheeler is wearing eyeshadow in the pool. That's a whole other level. 😂
  2. I think this question on Techgara is very interesting: "Out of all your favorite characters that died who would you bring back?"
  3. I decided to go to watch Man In Black: International after watching its trailer on FB2Mate but it made me disappointed. Hemsworth and Thompson, who has the makings of a major star, do the heavy lifting. And, miraculously, they keep it light, breezy and watchable. Memorable? That’s asking too much. Hemsworth, last seen as Fat Thor in Avengers: Endgame, plays the dashing, James Bond-ish Agent H, a merry prankster with no scruples about breaking company rules, including indulging in inter-species sex. But he has the support of MiBhoncho, High T (Liam Neeson), who bonded with H in the field. By contrast, Thompson is estrogen in a testosterone universe. We meet her as Molly, a child in Brooklyn who has dreamed of joining the Men in Black ever since she had a girlhood close encounter with a baby alien (of course he’ll show up later, all grown up). It’s Molly who talks herself into a probationary position with Agent O (the ever-terrific Emma Thompson). “Don’t start,” says O wryly when Molly — now known as Agent M — asks: Why it isn’t Men and Women in Black? Times Up and all that.
  4. You can also use an extension named Fb2mate Fb2mate on Google Chrome Fb2mate on Firefox
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