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Everything posted by RedPrime

  1. I think the problem is that she doesn't do many shoots anymore and that's why there's no content. Even when she does do something, there are hardly ever HQ pics. Even her Instagram is pretty bad compared to a few years ago IMO. I feel like she's just not as fit as she used to be and it probably affects her confidence to post even though all of her fans still think she's smoking hot. Maybe I'm wrong and she posts on her IG subscribers, but besides her paid digital stuff, there's not much to look forward to these days. I wish they would bring her back to SI the way the brought Emily Didonato.
  2. What a stupid post. Who cares if she's married or not? It's her choice. I'm sure if she wanted she cold marry some rich douchebag the way so many other Insta thots do. I'm just here to see hot pics of her, not to worry about her personal life that she doesn't share because of posts like this.
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