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Everything posted by chandrafan

  1. Beep_____beep_______beep_______________ ___________beep_____________________________ ____________________________________beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep (etc) That's right, you've killed me, I am the ghost of Chandrafan typing now (Hi!), so I hope you're happy! (that's the awesomest smile ever!)
  2. Holy crap! Somebody shoot me now, I'm ready to meet my maker!!!
  3. Second Pic = Chandra First Pic = NOT Chandra This is fun, I like this game.
  4. Thanks for these Sexpress. You seem to find some real odd ones! I've never seen either of these, and that last one almost doesn't look like her.... but it does Are you scanning these in or finding them? I'd love to see them at better quality.
  5. Hey thanks Conplan. I recommend anyone interested in chest related appendages to check these out, there's some great 'movement' here.
  6. Yeah, her breasts are pretty awesome, and totally real to the best of my knowledge. Perhaps Conplan can link to the Jill Stuart vids again and you can find further proof of that
  7. I think this is her son with her in the picture. Any other pictures of Chandra with her son or husband? Here's one with her lucky SOB husband. I'm not bitter... really.....
  8. Hey Sexpress. Sadly no, I don't, I have no more than the ones you have posted. In fact the first two I didn't have at all, so thanks! There should be more to come from me soon, too busy right now....
  9. Another video, 40mb runway action of Chandra doing Victoria Secret 'Angels Wings'. Great quality, super hot. http://rapidshare.de/files/17532326/chandra001.mpg.html I think Conplan is to thank for this one again.
  10. Here you go. It was originally from Conplan and it's not great quality or complete but I've cleaned it up a little, removed some jittering and stuff. http://rapidshare.de/files/17498539/DayDream.mov.html
  11. Looks like you've been holding out on us Ninja! That first one is absolutely beautiful and I had to catch my breath after seeing her legs in that gold dress! I think she's one of the few models that looks just as good, if not better, on the runway than in her photoshoots. She manages to look stunning despite the crazy crap the designers make the girls wear.
  12. These are kinda cool in an odd sorta way. Check out those gams!
  13. These are more I've had kicking around - no idea why I didn't post the first 2 before, they're beautiful.
  14. Some leftovers I had kicking around. Check out those baby blues in the first one - you could get lost forever in those eyes.
  15. Oh man, I really wanna see a HQ version of that first one! The cropped off areas hold so many promises!
  16. Here's some rescans and potentially new stuff (I honestly can't remember anymore). Her eyebrows are a work of art!
  17. Thanks for those new pics Holy Trinity - wow, where did you get those!? Or should I not ask Here's some new/old pics just sent to me from an old friend that I thought I should share.
  18. Hey that's nice Holy Trinity. It looks kind of odd - not sure what it is. But thanks all the same!
  19. The theme for this post is sexehhhh :evil: and some of the better runway shots I could find (Apologies for any reposts, hopefuly these should be better quality than what ever's out there anyhow).
  20. Ok here's some more, plus a Nautica re-scan as HQ - ummm... cause I like it... a lot.
  21. These great scans were sent to me very recently so I thought I'd share them out. I think the first pic must be one of her first assignments, she could only have been 17 when it was taken!
  22. Some new scans of old pictures, again. Actually, I'm not sure I ever got around to posting these in the first place, so they're probably brand new! Man, she's got a sexy back!
  23. Some new rescans. These are some of my favorite pictures of her.
  24. Wow, almost didn't find this thread, you guys have been busy!
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