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Everything posted by mtd432017

  1. this board is so dead i have chosen to leave it. i see there is no way to delete the account at all. however, i managed to delete most if not all of my images. if a person chooses to leave they should have the right to delete their account including all content. that's like if i cancelled my facebook account. it would delete my account, passwords, phone numbers, pictures, videos, etc.. you have no right to hold onto peoples things
  2. due to the lack of activity on this site. i am deleting my account. have fun all
  3. from social life magazine 2017
  4. thanks for the info. but, how does that explain my ability to see the whole blog without being logged in? i only have to log in to view my post. no one elses
  5. i think he's wondering why my pictures aren't showing up. they can only be viewed or seen by me or others by being logged in. how do i correct that? so, that he too can see the images?
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