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Doutzen Kroes


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Those VS pics for lingerie, swim, sport were revealed for spring 2014



Regardless of what any of us think about VS, one thing is sure they put out a lot of photos of their girls. And no matter how successful Doutzen continues to be in the fashion world, it is certain that we won't see as many photos of her as we did so far in her career. Her bank account probably won't suffer but we'll see less of her.

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Phyllon is so adorable in that pic Sunnery posted! Too cute :hehe: 


She could be possibly in Puerto Rico, it'd be really exciting since she could be shooting for VS SWIM. Not sure if Sunnery left Curacao yet since they appeared to be done with all they had to do there? 


She also looks gorgeous in Glamour! Thanks for the uploads everyone :hug: 

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Doutzen Kroes timmert aan acteercarrière

De rol die Doutzen Kroes speelde in de Nederlandse film Nova Zembla, is wat betreft het topmodel zeker niet haar laatste.Doutzen Kroes maakte in 2011 haar acteerdebuut in Nova Zembla.

Het Nederlandse topmodel heeft in een interview met Glamour verteld dat ze graag meer wil acteren. "Het lijkt me zo mooi om je te kunnen verliezen in een rol."

De 29-jarige Friezin probeert eerst van haar Nederlandse accent af te komen. "Ik heb tijdens mijn laatste zwangerschap veel acteerlessen  gehad. En Engelse spraaklessen, om van mijn Nederlandse accent af te komen. Dus wie weet wat de toekomst brengt"

In Nova Zembla speelt Doutzen de beeldschone Catharina. In Nederland liep de film van Reinout Oerlemans over de barre zeetocht van Willem Barentsz in 1596 als een trein. Nova Zembla kreeg zelfs de status van platina film omdat de 3D-film 400.000 bezoekers naar de bioscoop trok. In Amerika werd de Nederlandse film minder goed ontvangen. 




I can't translate it 100% (if any of you Dutchies would do so that'd be lovely :hug: I think I managed to translate the key bits on my own however)

Basically what I understand, is she tells Glamour that she wishes to act more, and that she finds it nice that she can lose herself in a role, then it says she's trying to lose the Dutch accent, and that during her pregnancy, she took acting lessons, and she's also took English lessons during the time (I assume to improve her fluency and pronunciation), and that she wonders what the future holds (Everything that I managed to read was the bit I put in italics) 


And then there's just a bit about Nova Zembla which was her first movie and that it was popular and well received. I'm quite happy to see she's becoming dedicated in entering the acting industry, so I think it's very possible that the thing with the Teen Wolf director (was it Teen Wolf??) could be maybe a guest appearance on the show, or maybe a film. It's nice to see her branch out :hehe:

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 My quick translation:


Doutzen Kroes is working on acting career

The role Doutzen Kroes played in the Dutch film Nova Zembla will not be her last if she has anything to say about it. Doutzen Kroes  made her acting debut in 2011 in Nova Zembla.

The Dutch supermodel told in an interview with Glamour that she wants to act more. "It would be so great to be able to lose myself in a role."

But first, the 29-year-old Friesian tries to get rid of her Dutch accent. "I have had a lot of acting classes during my latest pregnancy. And English language lessons, to get rid of my Dutch accent. So who knows what the future holds"

In Nova Zembla, Doutzen played the beautiful Catharina. The film by Reinout Oerlemans about the harsh voyage of Willem Barents in 1596 was a huge hit in the Netherlands. ( though I believe the general consensus among critics was that it sucked big time..) Nova Zembla even received the status of platinum film because the 3D film drew 400,000 visitors to the cinema. In America, the Dutch film wasn't received so well.

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