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Josephine Skriver


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Can someone answer a question I have? And I ask it because Josephine and her boyfriend are prolific in their social media postings and documenting the lavish lifestyle that they live. How does Alex make money?  Does he come from a rich family?  His music simply isn’t successful enough to make any kind or serious money. Unless he produces for other artists?  I just know that artists who sell comparably and have similar size followings are basically starving artists who make just enough to be professionals but not enough to do all of the things that Alex does in his free time. 


Obviously Jo is very successful and I have no trouble believing her ability to live the lifestyle she lives and I’m sure she’s given access to all kinds of things for free because of her celebrity. I’m just asking about her boyfriend because it’s a question I have every time they post about their lives and I couldn’t really find any information about him online. Which again makes me ask how he lives the way he does. 

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