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Everything posted by marlone

  1. i always sleep late so YES do you read a book in bed?
  2. monet (Y) yes do u like a beach house?
  3. to all the girls i've loved before...lalala lala la la
  4. yes - right now have you ever wonder what would happen...if we ever meet in person...ummm, say like next year?
  5. marlone

    I Am...

  6. hahaha pets^ no have you ever have this kind of feeling...you go to all these beautiful places in the world but you still come back to the place where you grew up.
  7. to all the girls i've loved before...hummm, hummm, hummm, hum hum
  8. yes - i had too much today... do you believe in DESTINY?
  9. mine was from standing on top of our dining chairs while rocking it...i wanted to impress my cousins. hahaha. about the same age as yours. hahaha^ yes do you have a pet that hides when it comes to dinner?
  10. hard to say. i'm always NOT around. do you?
  11. really, under your chin ^ is it like a line? i have one too. that's weird. yes, but everyone is so different now. are you?
  12. y'know, i don't think so. have you ever been in shakespeare's globe?
  13. i used too do you cry while taking a bath?
  14. yes because of someone - my way do you like singing in the rain?
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