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  1. Good day! Who knows this photographer? maybe is the work of Horst P. Horst? Please tell me if you know. Best regards
  2. good day, Lisa. I'm sorry to answer so late. I just havent seen your message

  3. good day, Lisa -1. I'm sorry to answer so late. I just havent seen your message.

  4. from HB UK nov 2009 photo Michelangelo di Battista I like it))) source http:\\theplace.ru
  5. Thanks a lot, OrengeO) From whence is the caps? I dont know this movie(
  6. Some from Vogue US, april 1990. Sorry if repost
  7. Its realy great piks, thank you,OWS) Photographer- Richard Avedon?
  8. Unbeliveble!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Thanks a lot, dear 630redhead bubbles, its a great, thank so mutch
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