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Everything posted by Expresso

  1. Hmm, I always found her very avarage looking (make no mistake I still do ) but she certainly knows how to look her best in photoshoots
  2. Tha gal isn't hard on the eyes, that's for sure. But that's it. Me & U, is okay, but it isn't much more than a cheap little beat (though catchy) and some avarage singing from her. What made it a big hit was her ass. The way she was crawling... If they had put a guy in there it would've ended up being an Xrated sex clip These days, some moaning and shaking your butt the right way is enough to make it big in the music industry, which is kinda sad really. Girls prostituting themselves like this....makes me realize we need more hot guys to compensate
  3. I don't really know what to think of her. I mean, yes she's pretty and I kinda like her music, but she's so full of herself. Everytime I read an interview with her or see her say something on tv, I wanna smack that arrogant smile off her face. But then again, I'd probably be irritating as well if I'd be making that much money and would be adored by so many people
  4. Ik spreek Nederlands, I speak English, je parle francais, hablo espanol und Ich spreche Deutsch.
  5. pretty interesting question. I've wondered about it myself many times. I mean, I'm straight as a line, so to say, and yet I'm usually found browsing the Adiana subforum, the Ana BB subforum and various female model threads like those of Katja Schekina and Nastasha Poly for example. I like comparing their looks and faces to mine, I pick up bits from their style ...It's like a disease. Sure, I browse the male model forums too, but I dunno, I feel weird when I see them walking down the runway. It just doesn't seem...fit. I mean I love Eugen Bauder; hotness itself, but I don't really like him on the runway. Also, I'm a female, so I can't identify myself with them. Sure, I can say: damn I want my future boyfriend to look like that, but that's pretty much it. It's like watching girls in a boxing match. Make no mistake, I love martial arts and I sure as hell know that girls can kick ass too, but I don't like watching bulky women beating the crap out of eachother. It just doesn't look feminine at all. Boxing guys on the other hand...I do like. You can see a lot of people feel the same, because male models can not compete by far with the female topmodels. Gisele Bundchen is pretty much an household name...you name me a male model who is. Boxing; same thing, other way around; guys are the rulers there. Anyway, I'll shut my big yapper now (incase anyone was paying attention at all)
  6. 105.82 lbs, 66.9 inches. in real life 5'6 ft to be exact. that and your current weight makes ya pretty skinny dear.
  7. ^has a very cute Laetitia Casta avvy
  8. Hello fellow noob I'm an Adri fan too. But when you stay here longer you'll find out there's more than just adri around here
  9. like they say; if you ain't dutch, you ain't much! Doutzie is beautiful (yeah I know, what else is new)
  10. hey, no problem *hugs back* I hope that it'll make you enjoy the holidays better. I know my sis will indulge. (actually, she already is). So I hope you will too. And if you'd like to know how she keeps her weight in check without starving herself I could always ask her for you.
  11. Martial arts for me: muay thai boxing and karate is what I do now. I train a bit everyday and beat the shit out of my boxing ball whenever I have a shitty day My anger management so to say
  12. I'd rather be a head turning Adriana Lima or katya Schekina
  13. I understand it's hard..let me tell you a story. About my older sister: She had an eating disorder too about 1,5 yrs ago. She looked fine before (y'know, like shakira weight wise) but she thought she was too fat. She was talking about it all the time and she was always jaleous of me and other skinny girls. She had a crush on this guy, but she was always talking shit about being too chubby for him and all that. So she started exersising, (I found out she went to the gym evertime she said she went to her friends) and cut down her food intake more and more, until they were just little bits (I don't have any proof for that but she was losing weight so fast it has to be true). I was too occupied with myself at the time to see *sigh* because she was away all the time, until she got very skinny and my parents ordered her to step on the scale. She's tall (about my height) and weighed about 110 lbs then. She looked aweful and she was always wearing sweaters and stuff because she was cold all the time. We couldn't convince her she was too skinny and I thought she was a lost cause (after we got into a big fight.) Then, one day she got home and ate evening dinner with us, which was pretty much a miracle. When I asked her why, she told me that the guy she had a crush on finally came up to her and asked what was wrong with her and if she was ill, because she was so skinny and didn't seem to like to go out anymore (she swapped the drinks and bites for water.) He pretty much told her what we had tried to convince her of all the time and she finally listened. Sure, it took a while until she was back on track, and she fell back a couple of times, but she looks great now. Se still does a lot of sports, but I won't have to worry anymore about her starving herself. Okay, that was a long story, but I wanted to make the point that it could go very wrong and that you don't have to live like this to look good. My sis was lucky enough to get out of it before it got really ugly. She was pretty messed up in her head too, believe me. And when the holidays came up she acted as if she was allergic to food. Now she eats normally, but keeps it in range and exerises regularly. She didn't even suggest to join me in my 6 days fast : )
  14. Well, don't worry; that skinny doesn't look good on me. You can see my hip bones and all that. ...and that modeling thing: my face isn't nearly pretty enough for that. If I'd start modeling, I'd just be another one of those uninteresting boards walking down the runay. <_<
  15. Yeah, c'mon girl, don't obsess over your weight! It means nothing, as it doesn't indicate how much fat you have or how much muscle. Two girls with the same height and weight can look so different from eachother. One may look fat and the other slim and toned. Besides, there are lots of fat-skinny girls too (the ones with a low weight but who still look out of shape because they have little muscle.) So really it doesn't matter. I'm skinny, because I'm not a big eater and I love sports. I just eat a little of everything. besides, starving yourself only slows down your metabolism. What I'd recommend to you is: hide the scale during the holidays. (or let a family member do it) Indulge, but just try to keep in in range. If you've had one piece of choclate pie with whipped cream on it, don't immidiately go for another. try to eat slowly and enjoy it. That way, you probably won't gain a truckload of weight at the end and you'll won't hate yourself for it. So go for it girl and enjoy the holidays! Take the dog for an extra long walk if you feel up to it and you'll see that indulging once in a while isn't bad at all.
  16. Ah the infamous height weight thread. Okay ...my weight. Well, I've been sick a couple of weeks ago, lost weight bc of that, then I joined the fasting for money thing (earned 150 euros for the mine victims!), lost even more.....BUT luckily there are the christmas holidays now and I can gain some! So now I'm skinny: 178 cm and 54 kg. (That would be about 5'10 ft and 120 lbs) I was stopped by a woman in the supermarket yesterday. I thought she wanted to ask me something like where the milk was, but instead she said: " do you have an agent?" I said: "umm..no, what do you mean?" "Well you should become a model!" So yeah, my weight is defenitely low <_< I prefer myself on the 60 kgs side, with some more booty
  17. Sure. Anyone who says no is either lying or a nun. Have you ever been so drunk you had to be carried into the house?
  18. Oh god, this is priceless they're considering an overweight barbie now? That's pretty retarded. Kids who are overweight need to lose weight. End of story. They need to eat healthier and exersise more and their parents should make sure it happens. When you really think about it, the entire idea is pretty stupid: If all of us would give the food we eat too much away we can pretty much feed the entire third world. And that's the truth (except for those who have an illness that causes them to gain weight.) I'll be honest: I overeat sometimes too. Especially during the holidays. But now in Holland there are a couple of DJ's who are fasting for 6 days, trying to collect money for mine-victims. I thought that was such a great idea, so I'm doing it too (but I started a day earlier) I'm at the 5th day of my fast now and it gives you a little glimpse of what those starving ppl are going through every day, with the difference that I can start eating again sunday and they can only hope that'll ever happen. Anyway: my point was: the industry shouldn't adapt to increasing amount of obesity. They should do something about it. overeating is an eatingdisorder too.
  19. Expresso

    Jessica Alba

    see the bottom. I was being sarcastic. That was the point. She is always talking about how voluptous she is while she actually one of the skinny bunch. But anyway, I hope that stupid idea leaves her pretty head soon because otherwise she's gonna end up just like a couple skeleton colleages I won't mention.
  20. Yup ur defenitely faster, I got caught up in mobile phone madness: Shag: Petra Nemcova Marry: Raica (she's so sweet) Push: Cheryl Tweedy (she's like the beatiful girl you love to hate) Next: see previous post
  21. Noone can deny the truth in that. They're so well known for their stupidity and uselessness, it's even used in shows. Does anyone of you watch Supernatural? Anyway, one of the lines was: "Hmm well, we could always go and see if one of us can bang Lindsay Lohan." And another scene went like this: Sam had a camera and Dean said "Do I look like Paris Hilton?" Well, if that isn't an indicator of a bad reputation, I dunno what is. shag: Paris Hilton (she is the best looking of the brat bunch I guess. Still all comes at a certain price..) marry: Nicole Ritchie (She's already looking emanciated, and we all know what'll happen if she keeps it up) Push: Lindsay Lohan (everyone has to do a good deed in life once, right?) next: Shaggy, Scooby Doo and Shrek
  22. Nah, not really tired of her yet. Just of the crazy faces she puts up and the red hair. She should go back to basics. The pretty, funny, a bit shy down to earth girl/woman she used to be. She's got a little dip, that's all. Optimism people, optimism! (and that coming from mrs. Pessimistic herself)
  23. Expresso

    I Am...

    a psycho. But in a good way
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