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  1. This is Alvaro Jacomossi *Click*
  2. His name is Nicholas "Nick" Potts! http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=15455
  3. Josh Hartnett *Click*
  4. aaaaw *_* thank you very much
  5. Hello there, Can someone please tell me who is this hottie on the pictures with Candice Swanepoel? Please help me *click 1* *click 2* *click 3* *click 4*
  6. David Gandy: 45 Evandro Soldati: 130 Garrett Neff: 150 Kevin Flamme: 130 Mathias Lauridsen: 65 Ryan Taylor: 150 Will Chalker: 150 David +20
  7. David + 20 David Gandy: 85 Evandro Soldati: 150 Garrett Neff: 140 Kevin Flamme: 120 Mathias Lauridsen: 65 Ryan Taylor: 150 Will Chalker: 150
  8. Hey, thank you very much for your help. Flawless, I feel sorry for you, but I'm happy that me (or Persuazn) could help you.
  9. could someone please make an animation of Jamie Dornan?
  10. ________________________________________________________________________________
  11. thank you very much, that's really nice of you. if you find another vid of him, i would be pleased if you could do another one, but that's already gorgeous!
  12. hey, that's really nice of you but it's not ambrose. the guy on the gif is jamie dornan. i would send a vid to you, but there is non of him where you can see him alone. but still i want to thank you
  13. hey, lad, i made a Ambrose gift for u.

    but im not sure ths one u like it or not...

    Well ,if u could send vid to me, that's better.LOL

  14. could someone please make an animation of Ambrose Olsen (without daniela freitas)?
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