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About lianahorton

  • Birthday 09/17/1979

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    Vortex of Dreams

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  1. A couple of years ago I was browsing this board and I remembered seeing this man on it, but now when I'm trying to show off some of the men I find extremely hot, I can't remember his name and it's driving me insane. I probably missed him, but I tried to find the thread for him again. PLEASE help me.. I've been trying to find him again for four days now.
  2. Hell I was mad when his marriage was announced lol It's not fair... I wants him as mine! *laughs* But, his daughter is adorable. He makes a very good looking daddy.
  3. Happy Birthday and 5 stars for you ^_^

  4. http://www.stormmodels.com/images_models/9...ent_Ford_16.jpg http://www.stormmodels.com/images_models/9...rent_Ford_5.jpg http://www.stormmodels.com/images_models/9...ent_Ford_26.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/17249552@N02/2235241497/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/21687321@N05/2105739376/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/21687321@N05/2105739296/ http://www.celebritywonder.com/mp/2003_How...to_deal_009.jpg
  5. All of the shared images here are wonderful to see. However, as I was going through this thread I saw some things that made me feel the need to say something. I have worked with various actors/actresses over the last few years. I've come to know some of them, become friends with some of them and the one thing that gets me is how people are always willing to believe what they read or see on the television. Unless someone knows Chad personally, they don't have any right to judge him. You have no idea what might go on behind closed doors. You have no clue what might really be happening. Maybe he was in the wrong, maybe he wasn't. Unless you are him or are in his close circle of friends and family, you don't really know. I know that if any of the actors I am now friends with were said to do this or that, I'd be the first to stand up for them because I know them. I don't know Chad, I wouldn't mind meeting him some day because I refuse to make a decision about the kind of man he is until I have stood face to face with him and talked to him. It takes a great deal of bravery to become a celebrity in my opinion because they know that there will be times when things they do make the tabloids or that their lives are under the microscope. Before you make a judgment call on someone that you don't know, ask yourself, "If someone said something about me without knowing me, how would I feel?"
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