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Status Updates posted by ve.ro.nika

  1. I love your avatar! ;))))

  2. I love your avatar! :)

  3. I love your new set!

  4. I LOVE your set!!! :)

  5. I love your siggy <3 cindy is gorgeous

  6. I mean that your "long time" avatar. model with dark brown and white shirt. I think she wasnt isabeli. BTW, what is your name??? and how are you??? kiss:))

  7. I think I love you :)

  8. I thought thats you! :) I love your pose!

    I dont know which my photo use lol But maybe sometimeees I'll upload pic of me..

  9. I wanna see all ancient monuments..I cant wait!

    I miss BZ, and you, very much! But Im too busy :( :( :(

  10. I wanted to say final exams for this school year, I will study high school 2 years yet.. :/

    How are you? I have holidays for two months, yay! hehe

  11. Im glad you like my set :kiss: P is really amazing, I love her face <3

    how are you bella???

  12. Im glad you love them too...

    Have you myspace fansite of VS angels?? Because you(?) wrote me in comment that you posted VV's BEBE pics on Bellazon and pics are posted from michelabella..

    omg Im sorry for my bad English lol


  13. Im great, thanks! Im looking forward to summer holidays....I cant wait...lol

  14. Im great! just one month and my holidays will start! heh

  15. Im just scanning! But I need to find some quick uploader...

  16. Im ok great, thanks! I had a free day..I was all day at home...I slept and slept..hehe

  17. Im OK..I'll go to Italy next week..I cant wait :) and how are you? I didnt see you in petra's topic for a guite long time :(

    hmm he looks good but I dont think he is good man for her. I dont know him, I dont know his personality but I guess she needs another type of man. but is OK he supports charity foundations.

  18. Im sorry for late reply enca!! Im sorry!! I have problems with internet:( I'll post you my msn up to I'll "safe" my internet. Kisses!

  19. In personal photo??? Yes, There is Petra and Veronika.

  20. It's the best year!! and 90's children are the best, cleverest and most beautiful! lol :D :D :D

    Dziękuję Layla!

  21. Its your baby in your set???! So cute

  22. ja se mam taky fajn;) akorat ted musim do skoly..:(( ja jsem z prahy, o odkud ty???

    hehe ja ti zatim rozumim;) doufam, ze ty me taky! zatim

  23. jeee! ty umis cesky???

    ..its my pleasure to post petra's pics :)

  24. jeste jsem te chtela poprosit, kdybys o bellazonu na svym blogu moc nepsala, ja bych byla nerada, kdyby tu bylo nak moc cechu...

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