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Jimmy Changa

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Posts posted by Jimmy Changa

  1. ^lol

    I can see what you mean, MLA about Megan being annoying. If she wasn't so damn hot, I would agree they shoulda used someone else...lol The movie was pretty cool overall. Shia is a damn good actor. The effects were great and the story was interesting enough. There were several parts that were goofy (like the autobots hiding from the parents), but I didn't mind.

  2. Good points ^^

    My main issue with this film and honestly, the whole series so far, is the lack of mystery. In the comics there was suspense and mystery surrounding some crimes or events that Spidey had to figure out. We don't have any of that here. The films focus WAY too much on MJ and Peter's relationship crap. Ladeeda, he's ignoring me, wah wah i need to break up so he isn't hurt...boo hooo. Give me more Law & Order and less Pretty In Pink.

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