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  1. haha wouldnt that be a sight to see...probably not a pretty one! ha! that is until i practice more and can dance like a supastar! http://www.superstardance.com/
  2. groovergrl23

    Dance DVD!

    Hey whats up? Anyone heard of Breakin' it Down? its this new dance instructional dvd by Laurie Ann Gibson...i just got it from my dad cause he works at umvd and always gets me free stuff...anyways Laurie is this awesome choreographer for all the stars like Britney Spears and was on MTVs show Making the Band 3...this dvd is so much fun...i do it with my roommates all the time...its a pretty good workout too! We cant wait to hit the clubs with our new moves! ha!
  3. i think david beckman is hotttttttttt!
  4. hey whats up everyone?! Im new here...just wanted to say hi...my bday is 9/22/80...hope to talk to ya'll soon!
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